Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday removed his Social Welfare Minister Sandeep Kumar, saying that he had received an "objectionable" CD on him and there cannot be any compromise with propriety in public life.
The decision to sack the minister was taken at a high-level meeting attended by top AAP leaders. The CD allegedly carried details of some ‘wrongdoings’.
Recd "objectionable" CD of minister Sandeep Kr. AAP stands for propriety in public life. That can't be compromised(1/2)
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) August 31, 2016
In a statement to media, Arvind Kejriwal said that Minister of Child Welfare and Social Justice Sandeep Kumar has been removed from the cabinet.
"Received "objectionable" CD of minister Sandeep Kumar. AAP stands for propriety in public life that can't be compromised. Removing him from Cabinet with immediate effect," Kejriwal tweeted.
Removing him from Cabinet wid immediate effect(2/2)
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) August 31, 2016
Sources said the CD contained some wrongdoings by Kumar and Kejriwal did not approve of it. Kumar represents Sultanpur Majra constituency. He is the second AAP minister to be sacked after Asim Ahmed Khan who was Minister for Food and Supplies.