Saturday, July 6, 2024

Shut smartphone, enjoy her smile at dinner

Darpan News Desk IANS, 17 Jul, 2014 11:31 AM
    Did you miss something while continuously checking smartphone as your spouse waited for undivided attention at dinner? You may not have an answer but researchers have.
    "Individuals are more likely to miss subtle cues, facial expressions, changes in the tone of their conversation, partner's voice and have less eye contact just because a cell phone is physically present," said researchers from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), US, in a study.
    Even without active use, they noted, the presence of mobile technologies has the potential to divert individuals from face-to-face exchanges, thereby undermining the character and depth of these connections.
    Previous research has demonstrated that smartphones make us more selfish, more easily distracted and more stressed.
    A recent survey has suggested that nearly nine in 10 people feel that their loved ones neglect them in favour of technology on a weekly basis.
    Another observational study found that when parents and young children dine together, parents frequently pay the most attention to their phones, a report in Wall Street Journal said.


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