Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Short men have more sex

Darpan News Desk IANS, 16 Jul, 2014 03:06 PM
    If you are moderately short or even short, do not worry as you will be a champion when it comes to performing the real act.
    According to an interesting finding, those who are about 5 feet 9 inches and under enjoy sex better and in plenty.
    "When comparing men's sexual activity levels based on characteristics such as age, height, weight and health, the younger, fitter men tended to get more play," researchers said.
    However, we were surprised to see that "coital frequency was higher among men with a height of less than 5 ft 9 in", they noted.
    For the study, researchers looked at 531 men between ages 20 and 54.
    Among men who reported a coital frequency of more than 3.5 times a week, waist circumference showed borderline association with lower sexual activity, while lesser height was associated with higher sexual activity.
    "Obesity and metabolic diseases can cause all types of sexual function to deteriorate in older age, whereas their effects may not yet be prominent at younger ages (below 45 years)," the study observed.
    People should focus on prevention of obesity so as to improve quality of life and sexual health, researchers concluded in a paper published in Discover Magazine.


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