Over the last three years, ICBC insurance rates have skyrocketed out of control under John Horgan and the NDP, especially for young drivers.
Just ask Jada from Cranbrook, whose ICBC bill has increased $70 a month and now has an annual bill three times higher than what she paid for her car. Or Richard from Langley, whose son’s auto insurance has increased by $1,290 this last year.
And then there’s Aden from Surrey, whose ICBC bill shot up 159 per cent to $5,300 a year despite a flawless driving record. Since 2017, B.C. drivers have seen the average ICBC premium go up a whopping 48.4 per cent, or $620 per driver.
A BC Liberal government will lower premiums for young drivers and officially end the ICBC monopoly by opening up the automobile insurance market to competition from the private-market so drivers can shop for the best possible rate.