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Friday, September 27, 2024

Tanpreet Parmar: A Journey to Self-love & Self-Confidence

Jaskirat Sahni, 21 May, 2019

     “Although I did not fit ‘industry standards’ and was often told I was not ‘good enough’, I did not change anything about myself,” says Tanpreet. 



    Tanpreet Parmar, a Canadian model, actress, talk show host and mentor, has had an incredible journey in the entertainment industry which started at the young age of 17. She was Miss Charity British Columbia 2014-15 and crowned Miss India Canada 2016-2017. Along with modelling and participating in pageants, Tanpreet has been featured in numerous music videos, films including Channo Kamli Yaar Di, and has travelled to many leadership conferences around the world as a presenter and host.

    Growing up, Tanpreet was always fascinated by the possibility of working in the fashion and entertainment industry: “I always wanted to see myself featured on a runway, a magazine or on television. It was a dream that I thought would be impossible, simply because I did not know how to make it happen.” However, this thought quickly turned around when she let go of her insecurities and self-doubt and decided to audition for a local fashion show. She passed the audition, which marked the start of her modelling career.

    The success of her first modelling assignment gave Tanpreet the confidence and motivation to seek out more casting calls, auditions and opportunities to network with local industry professionals. As she built her portfolio, Tanpreet learned that continuous practice, perseverance, determination and confidence were key to thrive in the business. She recalls “although I did not fit ‘industry standards’ and was often told I was not ‘good enough’, I did not change anything about myself. I learned that beauty thrives when one has confidence in themselves. It is extremely important to embrace in self-love and be comfortable in your own skin. This is what got me through all the negativity.” 

    Being a model with no professional training, Tanpreet faced many challenges throughout her journey. Rejection and failure became part of a learning experience, but putting herself out in front of the pubic eye was truly a challenge. She also experienced bullying from other girls who were extremely competitive in pageants, auditions and modelling assignments. However, family support and learning to not be worried about what others think of her really helped Tanpreet get through the tough times. This also channelled her interest in becoming a pageant and modelling coach, as Tanpreet wants to help other girls reach their successes. She is also a firm believer that “success is not about what you accomplish in life, it is about what you inspire others to do.”

    Currently, Tanpreet is completing her HR degree while also continuing to model, host and coach. She is hoping to continue her participation in various pageants, and wants to grow as an actor in the near future. When asked about what advice she would offer to those entering the entertainment industry, Tanpreet says, “Take advantage of any networking events in your city, meet with industry professionals, and look for a mentor for guidance or professional training. But most importantly, be confident and believe in yourself, without allowing society standards or media influences bring you down. Dream big, and remember you you can do it.”

    Photo Credit: Manny Bhatti/Blackbeard Photos, Aaron Aubery Photography; Wardrobe: Rimpy Sahota

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