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Friday, September 20, 2024

Rajewal in Vogue Behind the Runway with Model Ujjwalpreet Singh Rajewal

Naina Grewal Darpan, 02 Oct, 2023
  • Rajewal in Vogue Behind the Runway with Model Ujjwalpreet Singh Rajewal

Modeling, often perceived as a world of glamor and fashion, is far from the walk in the park it may appear to be. Ujjwalpreet Singh Rajewal, an emerging model in the industry, navigating through the challenges and the rewards that come with being a model, is representing the community on an international scale, having featured with prominent names, like Vogue!

For many, the journey into modeling begins with high hopes, but Rajewal's experience reveals a different reality. He vividly remembers his first venture into Vancouver Fashion Week, an event that would forever alter his perspective. Hundreds of aspiring models lined up, all vying for the chance to step onto the runway. The competition is fierce, and getting scouted by a designer is just the beginning. Once selected, the real work begins. Models undergo rigorous training, honing their runway skills and practicing various styles of walking. The fittings, rehearsals, and early morning line-ups are all part of the process that aspiring models must navigate.

“Dealing with rejection is a crucial skill in the modeling world”, shares Rajewal, “I approach it with a pragmatic mindset and understand that, sometimes, a designer simply seeks a different look. My aim is to take any rejection in stride, recognizing it as an integral part of the journey.” Rajewal’s journey from India to Canada has brought him to an unexpected destination as Rajewal had never thought of going into the field of modeling, though often encouraged by friends. Today, Rajewal has been featured multiple times in Vogue, a dream come true for many aspiring models, and even adorns the pages of one of Germany’s biggest magazines, Schön!

According to Rajewal, his identity is what sets him apart in the modeling world. Proudly wearing a turban, he found that his unique appearance garnered him respect and intrigue, both in India and Canada. He attributes a significant part of his success to his turban, which opened doors he never anticipated. That said, while looks undeniably play a role in modeling, Rajewal stresses that it is not the only factor, “Expressive eyes, innocence, and even unique body features can capture a designer's attention. Modeling is about more than just conventional beauty; it's about conveying a story and a feeling.”

Delving deeper into the industry, the seasoned model highlights a common misconception: that everything displayed on the runway is intended for everyday wear. Rajewal dispels this myth, highlighting the artistic aspect of fashion. Designers often use their creations to convey messages and perspectives, transcending the boundaries of practicality. As such, walking the runway is no easy feat, even for experienced models.

Rajewal explains that each walk is carefully choreographed, taking into account the music, beat, and the designer's vision. Rajewal emphasizes, “Models need to stay focused and composed while maintaining the right facial expressions, even in the midst of the intense pressures of the runway.” Mistakes can and do happen, but the show must go on. 

Undoubtedly, Rajewal's journey to the international modeling stage is a testament to his unwavering determination. Making his mark in a highly competitive industry, the accomplished, yet humble superstar shares an encouraging message, “If I can get here, anyone can. I once read a quote that has since stayed with me: ‘He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right’. Believe in yourself, and others will, too!"


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