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Saturday, March 15, 2025


By Georgia Nichols, 16 May, 2018

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

May: Money is on your mind this month. You might want to earn more money or get a better paying job. You might be involved in financial negotiations. You will focus on your assets and the things you own. Perhaps this is because this is your year to benefit from the wealth and resources of others, especially banks. Ka-ching!
June: This month your daily pace accelerates with a busy agenda. You’re involved with friends and groups much more than usual. (You might be in competition with someone.) Short trips, increased reading and writing plus lots of conversations and fun visits make this an interesting, fascinating month. Entertain at home!
Lucky Days: May 11, 12, 13  June 8, 9

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

May: This is your hour! It’s your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Take advantage of the fact that people and excellent opportunities will be drawn to you. Use this in your favour. You are ambitious and you can make money now. You’re also buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Happy birthday!
June: Your ambition is still aroused this month and it will stay this way until late August. Yes, you’ve decided it’s time to go for the gold. Because your words are sweet and powerful, you can make money writing, selling, marketing, talking, acting and teaching. And perhaps even singing! (Most Taurus people have a great voice.)
Lucky Days: May 14, 15 June 10, 11

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

May: This is a quiet month for you. You need to lie in the tall grass and watch the world go by. However, it’s the perfect time to strategize and plan what you want for your new year (birthday to birthday) to be about. After all, this is your year to improve your health and improve your job. What are your plans to do this?
June: This month you step out centre-stage because it’s your birthday. You are empowered and confident! You also see ways to boost your income. But what intrigues you now are opportunities to travel. In fact, until late August, grab every chance to explore travel plus avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You want adventure and a chance to learn more about the world.
Lucky Days: May 16, 17 June 12, 13

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

May: Make every effort to connect with friends and attend groups, clubs, conventions and associations because you will enjoy socializing this month. Venus in your sign makes you charming and diplomatic. (Admittedly, a partner or close friend might be annoying.) This is the perfect month to shop for wardrobe goodies. Go out and have fun!
June: This month you need to rest from all the to-ing and fro-ing and your busy escapades in May. Seek out solitude in beautiful surroundings. Take time to meditate or do yoga or practice any discipline that restores your soul. Avoid disputes about inheritances and shared property. Enjoy light-hearted activities with children.
Lucky Days: May 18, 19 June 14, 15

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 

May: “You look mahvellous dahling!” The Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. This is why others, especially bosses, parents and VIPs, are impressed with you. (You don’t have to do anything special.) Obviously, you can take this to the bank. Demand the advantage. Show the world what you can do!
June: This is a fabulous, popular month! Enjoy schmoozing with friends and being involved with groups and clubs. Admittedly, relations with a close partner or friend might be strained and will stay this way until August. Actually, you can use this is an opportunity to practice patience. Whatever happens, your home and family scene will be beneficial and protected.
Lucky Days: May 20, 21 June 16, 17

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 

May: Do whatever you can to travel and expand your world because you are eager to learn more and meet fascinating people. You will enjoy profound discussions about heady topics – philosophy, psychology, religion, politics and perhaps astrology. You have lots of energy for sports and social activities, especially with children. Your positive attitude is your greatest strength.
June: This is the month for you to make your pitch and do what you can to advance your agenda because people in power respect you now. (Timing is everything.) You have energy to work plus your positive attitude will attract people to you. You can’t go wrong!
Lucky Days: May 22, 23 June 18, 19

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 

May: Increased chaos and activity on the home front will demand your attention. Meanwhile, intense discussions about inheritances and shared property are also likely. Fortunately, your reputation shines. You look marvellous to others, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. (In fact, a romance with a boss might begin.)
June: Travel and escape somewhere will delight you. Fortunately, the insanity at home has subsided. Now you want to focus on vacations, playful escapes, fun activities with children, romance, sports events and saucy flirtations. (A friend might become a lover.) Woot!
Lucky Days: May 24, 25 June 20, 21, 22

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 

May: You need more sleep this month. Respect your need for this. Your focus on a partner or close friend will be intense this month; however, you will also learn more about your style of relating to others. You will see how you have a choice of how to react. The other person is not in control of your happiness – you are. Grab every chance to travel for pleasure!
June: Someone will ask for your creative advice about how to make something look better – composition, design, layout, gardening – could be anything. Because increased chaos and activity on the home front are maddening, escape through travel if possible. (It’s true that change is as good as a rest.) Inheritances and shared property will be a focus.
Lucky Days:  May 26, 27, 28 June 23, 24

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 

May: You’re giving thought this month to how you want to manage your life. What is your top priority? What are your duties and responsibilities? And what about your health? If you don’t take care of yourself, you are of no use to anyone. You will enjoy working hard; and you will enjoy earning and spending money this month. Relations with partners and close friends are warm and loving.
June: Relations that began to warm last month are even warmer! You have a lot of energy to communicate to others this month, which is great news for those of you who sell, market, teach, act or write. Gifts and goodies from others will come your way so keep pockets open. Jump at any opportunity to travel for pleasure late in the month. (You adore travel.)
Lucky Days: May 1, 2, 3, 29, 30 June 25, 26

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

May: It’s play city for Capricorns this month! Grab a vacation. Enjoy schmoozing with others. Make plans for the theatre, dinner with friends, playful activities with children, picnics, barbecues and fun, sports events. Fortunately, with Mars in your sign, you have energy to burn and Venus guarantees success with others, (Mom always liked you best.)
June: Roll up your sleeves and get busy because you’re setting high standards for yourself this month. You want to be efficient, effective and productive! You want the best results for your efforts. You are ambitious to boost your earnings now and for the rest of the summer; however, you will also be spending big as well. (Keep your receipts.)
Lucky Days: May 4, 5, 31 June 1, 2, 27, 28, 29

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 

May: Home and family are your focus this month, especially your relationship with a parent. Social occasions, vacations and activities with children will be a joy. With Jupiter at the top of your chart, you are admired. Be aboveboard in all your dealings with others this month. If you try to be sly, you will be caught. Don’t be tempted. Take the high road (Don’t give anyone a chance to gossip.)
June: This is a wonderful, playful month. Get thee on a vacation! Enjoy social outings, fun times with children, the arts, sports, and all kinds of romantic rendezvous. This month it’s your turn to play. (A work-related romance will begin for some.) Whatever happens, you have boundless energy all summer long.
Lucky Days: May 6, 7, 8 June 3, 4, 30

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 

May: Fasten your seatbelt because this is a fast-paced, busy month! Expect a busy schedule with appointments, meetings, conversations with siblings and relatives plus several short trips. Many of you will also be reading and writing and studying more as well. You will want to redecorate your home and invite guests to admire your achievements. Competitive sports in groups or with a friend are likely.
June: Your desire to redecorate last month increases your focus on home and family this month. You might be involved with a parent more than usual. Vacations, fun times, especially with children, are on the menu. Grab any chance to travel because this is what you really want to do this year. You will also love to study and learn more. You want it all!
Lucky Days: May 9, 10 June 5, 6, 7

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