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Friday, March 14, 2025

Horoscope: March/April 2019

By Georgia Nicols, 13 Mar, 2019
  • Horoscope: March/April 2019

Aries (March 21-April 19)

March: This is the month to research and discover solutions to old problems or answers to the past. Although you will enjoy schmoozing with others; nevertheless, use this time to set goals for your new year ahead (birthday to birthday). How do you want your new year to be different from this year that is finishing? Ideas?

April: Ta da! It’s your birthday and you’re in charge. It’s time to put yourself first because that’s exactly what you should do. Use this time to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you are a strong resource for yourself and others this year. You will be forceful in all your communications, which bodes well for those of you in sales, marketing, teaching and acting. People will listen to you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

March: This month old friends and contacts from groups are back in your world. You might collect an old debt, because this year you can benefit from the wealth of others including your partner. Relations with bosses and parents are warm and supportive; in fact, so cozy, some of you might strike up a romance with a boss. 

April: This month you will be low profile; and yet, you will socialize with friends and groups. Your behind-the-scenes activity will involve with money and financial deals. The cash will flow in both directions because you will spend big as well! You love beautiful things, especially antiques and fine furniture – but not as much as mortgage-free land.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

March: This month you might be in touch with parents you haven’t seen for a while. You might also run into a boss from your past. Incidentally, if you are looking for work, your best bet is to go back to where you worked or applied before. Bosses are impressed with you. They think you’re competent, capable and talented, which means you can use this to your advantage.

April: Your dance card is full! Everyone wants to see your face. You’re so popular that you might be elected to an official position in an organization. Bosses will endorse you, because with Mars in your sign, you are confident and full of energy. This high vigour will help you in sports or any competitive interaction with others. Go for the gold!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

March: Some signs travel because the spirit moves them. You travel for a reason; and this month, you have a reason. This is also the perfect time to finish an important paper, book, script or thesis. It will be easy to study history and research the past. In addition, you might receive money, gifts and goodies from others. Romance will be passionate and sexy!

April: This is the only month all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. This is why bosses, parents and VIPs are so impressed with you. Obviously, this is the time to push your agenda. Demand the advantage. Your desire to travel and expand your world continues – so don’t bother to unpack your bags. Meanwhile, be patient with partners. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

March: It’s time to tackle red-tape issues. Taxes, debt, insurance matters, inheritances, wills and shared property are where you will make great headway because you can use Mercury retrograde to help you wrap up old business. Relations with partners and close friends will be warm and supportive.  

April: Grab every chance to travel this month. If you can’t travel then be a tourist in your own backyard. You want life to be thrilling and different. You want the stimulation of seeing new places or taking a course or learning something new. Romance will be affectionate and sexy. This month is also good for financial matters because someone will give you money or gifts. 

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

March: Ex-partners and old friends are back in your world. For some, this might be a sticky situation; for others, it’s an opportunity for closure. Because you have more objectivity and detachment this month, you can learn more about your style of relating to others. Grab every chance to travel because you want to expand your world.  

April: This is a passionate month! You’re determined to go after what you want, which is why you will be strong in negotiations and ready to defend your own best interests. Likewise, you will be strong in romantic, passionate ways as well. Actually, all your relations with others will be sweet and affectionate because fair Venus is opposite your sign.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

March: It’s Spring and you want to pull your act together. You want to get better organized. You want to manage your life better. However, Mercury retrograde will create errors, silly mistakes, delays, equipment breakdowns and mixed-up communications at work. It’s maddening but it’s minor.

April: You need more sleep this month because the Sun (symbolically speaking) is now as far away from your sign as it gets all year and the Sun represents your energy. Respect your need for more rest. Fortunately, coworkers are supportive and things will flow easily at work. Grab every chance to travel and escape because you want life to be adventurous and different.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

March: You want to party this month. Get ready to enjoy sports events, fun activities with children, dinner out, movies, theatre, musical performances and romantic dates. Take a vacation. Your mission is to be yourself and express your creative energy. Invite family and friends home for good food and drink. (Look dazzling because old flames might be on the scene and living well is the best revenge.)

April: Although you’re still in party mode, it’s time to get back to work. You want to work smart. You will still reward yourself with fun times but you are primarily focused on productivity and results. Disputes about inheritances, shared property, debt and insurance issues might arise this month. Stand your ground. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

March: Stock the fridge because relatives you haven’t seen for ages might be camped on your doorstep. Fortunately, you have the energy to handle this, which is why you are working hard and delegating to others. Fortunately, fair Venus in your House of Communication makes your words sweet and diplomatic. In fact, you can make money from your words.

April: You want to party and enjoy vacations. You want the chance to express your own creativity. By all means, socialize! Accept all invitations. In addition, enjoy redecorating projects at home so you can entertain and show off what you’ve done. However, be patient with partners and close friends who seem annoying.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

March: This is a fast-paced, active month full of short trips, increased reading, writing and studying, plus appointments and conversations with siblings, relatives and neighbours. You want to enlighten others because you have something to say. However, give yourself extra time to cope with transportation delays, car problems, missed appointments and misplaced paperwork. Aagghh.  

April: You need to catch your breath. Last month was hectic, now you need some downtime. Grab every chance to cocoon at home and relax among familiar surroundings. Enjoy warm times with family and friends. You will feel heartened when you see how much love there is in your daily world, as well as beauty. Life is rewarding.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

March: Money is a priority this month; however, Mercury retrograde will cause problems. Cheques in the mail will be late. Money issues will be delayed. This is a poor time to initiate financial deals or to open a business. However, it’s an excellent time to wrap up something that was already cooking on your plate. Increased chaos and activity at home requires patience.

April: Financial negotiations are strong this month. Many of you will spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Meanwhile, enjoy schmoozing with everyone! You feel loved and this makes all the difference to how you relate to others. Sports events, romance, vacations and fun socializing will delight. Yay! 

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

March: You attract important people and favourable situations to you because the Sun is in your sign. However, Mercury retrograde is also in your sign, which means ex-partners and old friends are back in your world. You will also have to cope with lost keys, misplaced paperwork, missed appointments, delays and silly errors! (Help!)

April: This is the month to buy wardrobe treasures. It will pick you up while you deal with increased chaos and activity at home, which triggers tension. This month, money issues are your primary focus. Look for ways to boost your income. Because this is your year to impress everyone – start by buying new shoes.


Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Nicols also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:



2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions

Don’t hesitate to “think big” because this is the year to do this. 



It’s your month and you’re in top form! You feel confident, optimistic and eager to embrace your future; and well you should be because your ruler Jupiter is finally in your sign for the first time since 2007. Yay! Nevertheless, you must cope with increased chaos on the home front due to visitors, renovations residential moves.  

Horoscope for September/October 2018

Horoscope for September/October 2018

This month there’s a back-to-school vibe in the air that makes you click your heels and stand at attention. Yes, it’s time to pull your act together. 



Happy Birthday Cancer! The Sun is now in your sign giving you a chance to regenerate and restore your energy.



 Taurus, This is your hour! It’s your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Take advantage of the fact that people and excellent opportunities will be drawn to you.

Horoscope for March/April 2018

Horoscope for March/April 2018
Two planetary messages await you this month. One message tells you to keep a low profile and hide. 