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Saturday, March 15, 2025


By Georgia Nichols, 23 Jul, 2018

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

July: Happy Birthday! The Sun is now in your sign giving you a chance to regenerate and restore your energy. This is a blessing and will attract important people to you as well as favourable circumstances. Obviously, you must make the most of this. Turn these situations to your advantage!   
August: Mercury is retrograde this month in one of your money houses. The bad news is that cheques in the mail will be late and money will come to you slowly. The good news is you have a second chance to get a specific job or make money in a certain way. Therefore, return to what you did before because this time it might fly! Plan to entertain family at home this month.  
Lucky Days: July 12, 13  August 8, 9

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 

July: Although you are outgoing, this month you want to pull in your reins and hide. And it’s totally appropriate. Stay in the wings so you can start to plan what you want for your new year, which will begin next month. Make specific goals with deadlines (Be realistic). Goals with deadlines guarantee results.  
August: Happy Birthday! Now you take centre stage for your encore. Another Leo year! What are your plans? The thing to remember is that this is your year to improve your home and to enlarge and enjoy your family. Look for real-estate opportunities. Explore ways to expand your home or make it more attractive. To a Leo, their home is their castle!  
Lucky Days: July 14, 15  August 10, 11

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 

July: A popular month! Get out and enjoy the company of others. Accept invitations to parties and social events (Extend some yourself). Join classes, groups and organizations because these activities will benefit you. A conversation with a friend or a group member might help you clarify your future goals.   
August: Your ability to research is excellent this month. If you need answers or solutions to old problems, start looking because your chances of solving these problems are 
excellent. Group sports might be competitive. This is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Take time to strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be about. Plan ahead!
Lucky Days: July 16, 17  August 12, 13

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 

July: This month you impress bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs, and you don’t have to do anything special (It’s all smoke and mirrors). Knowing this, use this to your advantage! Make your pitch and advance your agenda. You will be involved with people this month, perhaps through organizations or perhaps through friendships. 
August: This is a fabulous month to schmooze with others, especially younger people and old friends from your past. An old friend might inspire you to change your goals or consider something new. As Venus moves into your sign, you become even more charming, diplomatic and flirtatious. Everyone loves you!
Lucky Days: July 18, 19  August 14, 15

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 

July: You want to do whatever you can to expand your horizons and your experience of life. Obviously, if you can travel this month, do so! If you can’t travel, then explore your own sandbox. People from all over the world spend lots of money to come here. Sign up for a course. Go back to school. Learn something new.
August: This is a powerful month because it’s the only time all year that the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering light (Fantastic). This means you impress people, especially bosses and VIPs. This blessing, combined with Jupiter in your sign, means you can do much this month to improve your life and improve your professional career and reputation with your peers. Go, go, go!  
Lucky Days: July 20, 21  August 16, 17, 18

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 

July: Even though you are an upbeat, breezy sign, this month you are intense. You’ll be intense about everything. Issues will be black-and-white, especially issues about romance, love affairs money, shared property, and inheritances. Yes, issues that make anyone sit up and take notice. Fortunately, you love to travel and travel opportunities abound. 
August: Travel opportunities that fell in your lap last month continue. However, with Mercury retrograde, it is recommended that you travel someplace you’ve been to before. This month, romance with a boss or someone in a position of authority might blossom. Meanwhile, someone will seek your creative advice about how to make something look better. You will have the answer. 
Lucky Days: July 22, 23, 24  August 19, 20

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

July: This month your focus is on close friendships, spouses and partnerships because it is the only month all year that the Sun is opposite your sign. Observe these relationships so that you can see how to improve them. Note: The only way you can improve them is to change your own behaviour, you can’t change someone else. 
August: This month discussions about shared property and red-tape issues intensify. Issues from the past are back on your plate again, and this time they must be resolved. Remember: Your first loss is your cheapest loss (A wise axiom). Travel for pleasure will delight. Romance with a boss or someone in authority might spark.
Lucky Days: July 25, 26  August 21, 22, 23

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

July: This is a productive, powerful, busy month for you. Mars in your sign boosts your energy to work and play (Your choice). However, many of you will work because this month your top priority is to be as efficient, effective and productive in practical terms as you possibly can. You want to shine!  
August: This is the only month when the Sun is as far away from you as it gets all year. Because the Sun (symbolically) represents your energy, you will need more sleep. Fortunately, with fiery Mars in your sign, you will still have lots of energy. Ex partners, ex-spouses and old friends from the past will be back in your life. Look good because living well is the best revenge. 
Lucky Days: July 1, 2, 27, 28, 29  August 24, 25

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 

July: This is a light-hearted, sexy month for Pisces! Enjoy all social situations including playful activities with children. Accept invitations to sports events and the arts because you want to have fun. It’s the perfect month for a vacation. Relations with coworkers are also positive. Yes, this is a winner month for you.
August: Travel still appeals this month; however, you are slipping back into work mode and your standards are high. You want to explore how you should best manage your life and what duties and responsibilities you should observe. You might have to be of service to someone this month because it is what it is. C’est la vie. 
Lucky Days: July 3, 4, 30, 31 August 26, 27 28

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

July: Cocoon at home this month because you want to withdraw from the busy world around you. An interaction with a parent will be significant. Caution about competition with a friend, especially based on something from the past. Let it go. If you’re involved in a club or organization, finish up old business. 
August: Yay! It’s your turn to party! This is a fabulous month for romance, love affairs, social occasions, sports events and playful activities with children. You’re revved up and eager to be active with groups. Coworkers are supportive. In fact, a work-related flirtation might begin. Don’t do anything you will later regret.
Lucky Days: July 5, 6  August 1, 2, 3, 29, 30

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

July: The pace of your days is accelerating with a jam-packed schedule this month. Don’t sit at home getting dusty. Short trips, errands, appointments, increased contact with siblings and relatives plus reading and writing are reasons why you’ll be hustling! Family meetings plus redecorating plans at home are also in the picture.
August: It’s time to kick back and relax! Enjoy the fruits of your labour, especially in terms of redecorating your home. Family you haven’t seen for a while will be parked on your doorstep (Stock the fridge). This is the perfect month for a family reunion. Enjoy entertaining at home. However, you will also enjoy private, cozy times when you can cocoon by yourself. Sheer joy!
Lucky Days: July 7, 8, 9  August 4, 5, 31 

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

July: Money is on your mind this month and you have money-making ideas. Talk to people, including relatives and siblings. Look for ways to make money from your words because you can do this. A blessing for those in sales, marketing, teaching, acting and writing! If travelling, go someplace you’ve been before. 
August: You will love this month because this is the only month all year when the Sun is sitting in your Gemini home. This makes you want to talk to everyone. Fortunately, because you’ve got great ideas, others will listen. Warning: Transportation delays, car problems, communication mix-ups and confused appointments will be maddening. Yes, it’s Mercury retrograde (Oh no!)
Lucky Days: July 10, 11  August 6, 7 





 Taurus, This is your hour! It’s your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Take advantage of the fact that people and excellent opportunities will be drawn to you.

Horoscope for March/April 2018

Horoscope for March/April 2018
Two planetary messages await you this month. One message tells you to keep a low profile and hide. 

2018 Yearly Predictions

2018 Yearly Predictions

The year 2018 is looking so bright; you’re going to need shades! 

Horoscope for November-December 2017

Horoscope for November-December 2017

Scorpio, You look marvelous darling, marvelous! It doesn’t get much better than this because the Sun, fair Venus and lucky moneybags Jupiter are all in Scorpio.

Horoscope for Sept-October 2017

Horoscope for Sept-October 2017

Happy Birthday Libra! Let’s hope the occasion is done with class in beautiful surroundings because you are sensitive to ambiance, colours, lighting and sound.

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Aries (March 21-April 19)   July: Your focus is on home and family this month. Howev...
