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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Horoscope for Sept-October 2017

By Georgia Nichols, 25 Sep, 2017
  • Horoscope for Sept-October 2017

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

September: Oh wow, you are still in party mode! This is why you must grab every chance to enjoy yourself, especially with playful activities with children as well as romantic rendezvous. Having said that, your primary focus will be to pull your act together so that you can work as efficiently and productively as possible. You have that back-to-school feeling and you want your life to run more smoothly.
October: You will need more sleep this month because the Sun, your source of energy, is symbolically as far away from you as it gets all year. Nevertheless, you are pumped to work hard. Fortunately, coworkers will be supportive and appreciative of your efforts. As the month progresses, relations with those who are closest to you become sweeter and more rewarding.
Lucky Days: September 7, 8, 9  October 5, 6 

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

September: You are keen to entertain at home as well as make your home more attractive and beautiful. However, this is actually a playful month for you. Sports events, the arts, vacations, fun activities with children, and romance are tops on your agenda. Do take time to have fun. Be happy that you are alive! 
October: You can have it all this month because you’re keen to work hard and impress others with your achievements. And yet, at the same time, both Venus and Mars want you to play and enjoy vacations, romantic outings, fun activities with children, sports events, and the arts. Look for ways to improve your job or get a better job (You can do this). 

Lucky Days: September 12, 13  October 9, 10 

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

September: Increased chaos and activity on the home front or within your family circle might create tension for some of you this month. Fortunately, Venus will sweeten your words and make your daily communications diplomatic and charming. Words carry a lot of power. Remember to be kind to others (Think how someone else’s words affect you).
October: It’s fun city for Gemini! Slip away on a vacation if you can. If not, make every opportunity to enjoy good times with others, especially children. This is the perfect time to learn to appreciate and value your own creative talents. Meanwhile, romance can blossom this month! Real estate and home entertainment are also favoured. 
Lucky Days:  September 12, 13  October 9, 10 

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

September: Fasten your seatbelts because September is a fast-paced month! In addition to a busy schedule, you will be unusually direct and forthright in all your communications with others, which makes this a wonderful time for those of you in sales, writing, marketing, teaching and acting. Meanwhile, you want to shop for beautiful goodies for yourself and loved ones. Ka-ching!  
October: You can make money from your words this month, which is good news for those of you who act, sell, write, market or teach. Relations with siblings will improve. In fact, your major focus will be on home, family and your private life. Many of you will enjoy cocooning at home and relaxing in familiar surroundings. Home decorating projects will delight. 

Lucky Days: September 12, 15  October 11, 12

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 

September: This is the perfect month to buy wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror. Meanwhile, September also sharpens your focus on money and earnings. You will work hard to earn money and work just as hard to spend it! Money is energy, a tool to use to make a difference in your world. 
October: Your life is now active with short trips, errands, conversations with everyone, meetings, and increased demands from siblings and relatives. You’re on the go! (Gasp) But you will like this pace because it’s not just busy, it’s fun busy. Enjoy shopping for exciting treasures for yourself and others. Buy something dramatic that really pops! 
Lucky Days: September 16, 17  October 13, 14 

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 

September: This is your hour! Use this month to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. You are pumped with energy; but more than that, you can attract opportunities and important people to you. Continue to look for ways to boost your income because they do exist. 
October: This month your mind is on money and cash flow. This might be because of a major purchase. It could also be because you have a chance to boost your earnings. Certainly, this is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself, do take note of this. Enjoy social interactions because you are particularly charming now (Kiss, kiss; hug, hug). 
Lucky Days: September 18, 19  October 15, 16, 17

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 

September: This month it’s your turn to lie in the tall grass and keep a low profile. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is that some of you are involved in a secret love affair. Meanwhile, you will love socializing because Venus attracts friends, parties and fun gatherings into your world. Interaction with artistic types will particularly please you. 
October: It’s time to celebrate your birthday! Let’s hope the occasion is done with class in beautiful surroundings because you are sensitive to ambiance, colours, lighting and sound. (Hence, your carefully decorated home). If you can mange this solitude in beautiful surroundings, it will please you. Others will enjoy social moments but very privately. More chocolate??
Lucky Days: September 18, 19  October 17, 18, 19

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 

September: A popular month! Enjoy schmoozing with others, especially friends and members of groups. You might be in a competition with someone. This month others will ask for your creative advice about something. One thing is certain: Because you look wonderful in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs, this is a good time to ask for what you want. Do it. 
October: This month you are pulled in two directions. In one way, you want to be low-key and private. However, both Venus and Mars will push you into social events and involvement with clubs, groups and associations. Competition with a friend might rev your engines (A friend might also become a lover).
Lucky Days: September 20, 21, 22  October 19, 20, 21

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 

September: This is the only month all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart, which symbolizes that it is casting a flattering light on you. This means you impress everyone! Obviously, you can take this to the bank. Demand the advantage. Go after what you want. Grab every chance to travel for pleasure. 
October: You will enjoy increased popularity this month because everyone wants to see your face. You also make a great impression on bosses and authority figures, in large measure because your ambition is aroused. Fortunately, your aggression will not threaten anyone because Venus will soften your moves to take power. Yes, you are cloaked (A wolf in sheep’s clothing). 
Lucky Days: September 25, 26, 27  October 22, 23, 24

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

September: You need to get out of town this month because you’re hungry for adventure and a chance to learn something new. Why not take a course or get further education or training? Do something to make yourself feel alive and fully immersed in life! Meanwhile, favours, money and a financial advantage can come your way, so keep your pockets open.  
October: This is the only month all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you the limelight. Furthermore, this light is flattering! This is why this is the time to ask for a raise or promotion or to go after what you want because you dazzle people. Meanwhile, try to travel for pleasure and explore further education because you will love this.
Lucky Days: September 1, 2, 28, 29  October 24, 25, 26

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 

September: This is an intense time. But it is also a strong time, which means you will defend your best interests with powerful energy, especially in financial matters and anything to do with inheritances or how to divide something or deal with shared property. Fortunately, Venus now sits opposite your sign, paving the way for warm negotiations with everyone. 
October: Please do whatever you can to expand your horizons this month. Give yourself a greater appreciation for life. Travel, study and mingle with people from other cultures because this will be fulfilling for you. It’s a busy time because your sexual energy is amped; plus you might have disputes about inheritances and shared property.
Lucky Days: September 3, 4, 30  October 27, 28, 29

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 

September: This month, you have an opportunity to learn more about your own personal style of relating to partners and close friends. Take advantage of this opportunity because this is an area where we can all improve; furthermore, this chance only comes once a year to you. Meanwhile, a raise and praise at work can be yours.
October: Did you know that patience is the antidote to anger? It is. You need to be patient this month because with Mars opposite your sign, others might annoy you (And yes, they are annoying). Fortunately, Venus will soften this and with the help of some patience, you will have the skilful means to deal with everyone. 
Lucky Days: September 5, 6  October 29, 30, 31



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