There has been a surge in nearsightedness cases largely driven by an increased use of digital screens. The researchers said the risk increased significantly from 1-4 hours of screen time and then went up more gradually.
The study led by the University of Michigan Health CS Mott Children’s Hospital, based on a national poll showed that more than 16 per cent parents believe that teenagers should be allowed to receive these types of aesthetic treatments for any reason as long as they have approval from their guardians.
The team from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) found that there is a reduction and partial recovery of almost 5 per cent of grey matter in 94 per cent of the total grey matter volume of the brain, especially in regions linked to social cognition.
Even as children are increasingly getting exposed to screens from a young age, a new study in rats showed that long-term exposure to blue light, emitting from smartphones or tablets, may lead to early puberty. The findings linked the early risk of puberty with accelerated bone growth and bone age caused because of exposure to blue light.
Feeding your children with powdered milk and cereals may make them significantly vulnerable to the risk of diabetes later in life, warned health experts on Wednesday, ahead of World Diabetes Day. World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14, and the theme this year is “Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps”.
Now that your work schedule, kids' activities, and school hours are more defined, you can build a routine that helps you work toward your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or achieve both, now is the perfect time to establish a consistent fitness routine. Here are some strategies to help you incorporate fitness into your daily schedule as the new school year begins.