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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

March April 2017 Horoscope

By Kelly Benson, 20 Mar, 2017 04:23 PM
  • March April 2017 Horoscope


A new awakening is rising within us, can you feel it? At this time of the year we move from the clutches of a chilly winter towards the longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures. It’s time to change up our daily routines in favour of returning to and improving healthier practices across the board. Clean out the cupboards and sweep away those cobwebs, not only from your home but from your heart and mind as well. The Sun moves from empathetic and imaginative Pisces towards goal-centred, action-oriented Aries. We feel propelled to do something about our respective situations too. Mercury is in retrograde for most of April (heads up Geminis and Virgos). Use the free-thinking, reimagining energy of Mercury in retrograde to puzzle out fixes for any projects you currently have in motion. Old business needs some attention – get it done in April. Closure is satisfying isn’t it? Hold the phone on whimsical purchases and impulsive projects. Instead, direct your creativity into refurbishing your business plans and financial models. More to that, with Jupiter in Libra it’s an excellent time to rebuild relationships with others.

ARIES (March 20 – April 19)

Hey hotshot, it’s your birthday time, how do you feel about that? It’s time to harness your fiery Aires energy and find activities that bring out your conquering spirit. People are attracted to you right now, making this an excellent time to forage ahead in all of your relationships. New heights can be attained especially in areas related to education, higher learning, new schools of thought, and mentorship. Look to people you admire and follow their lead. Or vice versa, maybe its time to be brave and become the mentor you’ve always wanted to be (you like to push yourself after all). This is a very good time to look at how to grow your finances and consider what you need to invest in. Lucky Days : March 1, 27, 28  April 24, 25 Challenging Days : March 12, 13, 14  April 8, 9, 10

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

It’s your birthday season, Taurus and you may feel the need to look back on the last year. Take a moment, did your choices and actions align with you’re emotional needs? Get honest about the objectives from last year that need to be carried on to this year. If you need to make some cuts, that’s ok. First cut: people and practices that erode your precious TIME. Your birthday new Moon will be occurring on April 26, that is the best time to sow the seeds that feel right for you. You are listening to others without judgment now and you’re also ready to be heard. This is an incredible year for your creative ability to flourish. Be sure to build in the time cycles that allow you to demonstrate your talents. Lucky Days: March 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 April 26, 27 Challenging Days: March 15, 16, 17 April 11, 12, 13

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a very busy time of the year for you, Gemini! Friends, associates and connections you’ve made through clubs and groups are calling your name. The more you surround yourself with like-minded souls, you can expect a kismet to occur. Old friendships from years gone by may take on an entirely new shape. Embrace the changes that are happening and get ready for an exciting year ahead. Romantic play and flirtations are going to be major themes for you this spring and summer. Single Geminis may have their pick of the litter, just be sure to let those that didn’t make the cut down gently. Time spent with children can be a true delight. Teaching, mentoring and any educational experiences can push you to new heights now.

Lucky Days: March 4, 5 April 1, 2, 28, 29 Challenging Days : March 18, 19 April 14, 15, 16

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Huge career opportunities are in the works for you now, Cancer. Many of you are ready to take it to the big leagues. Now through 2017 is an excellent time to wrap up old business endeavours as you get ready for new ones. For those of you that are ready to embark on a new path, don’t be shy about enlisting the help of a superior or someone you admire. People in high places are ready to give you a boost, utilize this advantage. Meanwhile back at the ranch, relationships with family members can be delightful and heartwarming. Many of you are expanding your family now through birth, marriage or adoption. Parties, get-togethers, and social gatherings are inspirational this spring, you have something to share, enjoy!

Lucky Days March 6, 7 April 1, 2, 28, 29 Challenging Day - March 20, 21, 22 April 17, 18

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 

Educational opportunities and mind-expanding experiences are on the rise now, Leo. This is a great time to dust off your old textbooks, sign up for a refresher course, and get yourself reacquainted with your toolkit. Many Leos are getting ready to embark on truth telling journeys. You’re about to share your knowledge or your stories and experiences with others who are ready to learn from them. You have a lot to offer this world and you’re about to provide inspiration to others. You might find yourself almost too busy this spring, if you must, take a rain check here and there just to get some beauty rest, when we get to the high summer you will be in the spotlight! You’re attracted to intellectual equals, and romance with someone you can truly learn from is likely this year. Lucky Days March 8, 9, 10 April 5, 6 Challenging Days March 23, 24 April 19, 20

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 

You’re in a mood to be productive and work and that’s exactly what you’re going to do this spring, Virgo. In particular you be spending some attention on your finances, your security, business plans, and budgets. A little tightening of the belt never hurt anyone. Your efforts will pay off and you’re likely to see an increase in your earnings or an increase in your existing investments by the autumn of 2017. Dot those eyes and cross those tees Virgo, you got this one! Relationships might be a little bit challenging, it’s okay to give some space to your lover or your best friend and your coworkers, we can’t get our way every single day. July and August are excellent times for you to stake a claim and push back, for now speak softly but carry a big stick. Lucky Days March 11, 12  April 7, 8 Challenging Days March 25, 26  April 21, 22, 23

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)  

Jupiter sits in your sign this year, Libra. This means that all kinds of luck and benefit continue to come your way. In particular relationships including friendships, business connections, and romantic experiences will grow and blossom to your benefit. You can learn a tremendous amount about yourself through your one-on-one encounters with others (this is not the time to stay at home alone and contemplate your navel). If you’re feeling shy, enlist the support of a friend to get out and go to a cultural event, festival, an art gallery opening, anything that might broaden your horizons. Lovers from the past and old relationships might be back on the table. These are opportunities for you to heal old wounds, finish up some business, and clarify any outstanding questions you may have. Powerful conversations can occur and breakthroughs are likely! Lucky Days March 13, 14  April 9, 10, 11 Challenging Days March 27, 28  April 24, 25

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 

This is a hot time for you to work, Scorpio. You initiated a number of projects last autumn and in early 2017. Good for you! This is a time to let your creativity flourish within the parameters of your choice. Passionate projects and DIY endeavours are challenging yet worthwhile. Connections with former work colleagues can be of great benefit to you now. Look to mentors from your past, teachers, or anyone that you’ve looked up to for inspiration, you might be pleasantly surprised by a new discovery. You’re also considering the needs of others; your empathy for those who have less may be quite strong right now. Volunteering and participation in social or environmental endeavours might take you to new heights. Be sure to get your alone time dear Scorpio, you need to keep your battery pack charged up! Lucky Days March 15, 16, 17  April 12, 13, Challenging Days March 29, 30 April 25, 26, 27

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

You’ve made some considerable progress in the last two years, Sagittarius. While many things have come to a close and some of you have experienced an extreme career shift, you are now on the other side of this and the wisdom that you’ve gained is invaluable. You’re ready to set in motion a path towards greater security in yourself and your ability to provide for yourself. In approximately two years from now you can expect your income and your sense of wealth to increase, this is largely due to the actions you’re taking this year. Get your rest, this is a busy spring for you. Joint partnerships and cooperative investing are themes worth exploring. Be sure to cut loose and have some fun with your friends. Lucky Days March 18, 19  April 14, 15, 16 Challenging Day March 1, 31 April1, 28, 29 

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

Your career goals are reaching new heights this year Capricorn. A promotion, a job opportunity and even a passion project is on the rise this spring. You’re ready to do the hard work and effort that you need to meet the stream half way. You might also feel more ambitious and passionate and the need to channel that energy into physical exercise or creative pursuits will be strong as well. Romantic relationships and sexual intimacy gets a boost this spring Capricorn, you’re ready to take things to new heights. There might even be a ‘meet the family’ moment as some relationships are about to get much more serious. Did I hear wedding bells? Lucky Days March 20, 21, 22  April 17, 18 Challenging Days March 6, 7  April 2, 3, 4 

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 

You’re ready to share your views with the world, Aquarius. This is a very good time to surround yourself with people who open up your mind in some way. Freethinkers, revolutionaries and spirited friends will push you to realize something more about yourself as well as the world you live in. There’s something important that you’re getting ready to share. This might be a creative project, a book, a blog post or maybe it’s the pearls of wisdom that have come from your personal experiences. Regardless, we see this is an important time for self actualization and standing up for what you believe in. Learning a language, communication style, and trying on new points of view will help you enormously. Aquarian teachers, get ready to inspire those minds! Lucky Days March 23, 24 April 19, 20, 21 Challenging Days March 8, 9 April 4, 5, 6

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 

This is a powerful time for self development, Pisces. You’ve broken through a lot of personal barriers in the last six to eight months and that’s pushed you to shift your spiritual point of view. You had to let go of an attitude or belief system that was holding you back. Congratulations you’re on the other side of it! While the roadway may not be completed yet, your inspiration, passion and dedication to this is about to light the fire in others. Close relationships deepen and a powerful intimacy can be experienced now. On a lighter note, your sexual energy is running high! Maybe it’s time to plan a date night with your lover, hmm? Single Pisces are sure to attract someone, the key is to remain available. Out-of-town getaways with a close friend are favoured in April and June! Lucky Days March 25, 26 April 22, 23 Challenging Days March 10, 11, 12 April 7, 8


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2017 Yearly Forecast: What's in the stars for you this year?
Our astrology expert, Kelly Benson, is here to share her insight about 2017, commenting on what’s in store for you for the year and planetary activities triggering certain moods and responses.  Enjoy the read!

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