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Friday, March 14, 2025

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019

By Georgia Nichols, 19 Sep, 2019 11:32 PM
  • HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019

Well this month is all about you, dear Virgo because the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in your sign!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

September: Well this month is all about you, dear Virgo because the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in your sign! This makes you magnetic, charismatic, assertive, confident, charming and diplomatic – all rolled into one! (We’re impressed.) Get out and schmooze because you need to talk to others. Get more physical exercise. This is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Enjoy!

October: This is a charming, interesting month because you will appreciate the beauty of your daily surroundings more than usual. Not only that, you will also discover just how much love there is in your daily world. Short trips and warm interactions with others will please you. Nevertheless, money, finances and big expenditures will be your theme.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

September: Although you’re a very social sign, even you need to step back now and then to hide in the wings. This is exactly what will take place this month because you need time to take a break and catch your breath. Use this downtime to define some goals for your new year ahead, which will begin with your birthday. Goals help you make decisions and give you a sense of purpose.

October: Ta da! This is your birthday month, which means it’s the best chance that you will have all year to rejuvenate and replenish yourself. Enjoy physical, competitive activities. Value your moneymaking ideas. Shop for beautiful things for yourself and loved ones because who loves pretty things more than you?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

September: A popular month! Everyone wants to see your face. Accept all invitations and extend a few yourself because you will enjoy interacting with friends and being involved with clubs and organizations. Younger, creative artistic people are around you. You might be involved with a competition. Continue to enjoy opportunities to get richer!

October: It’s fortunate that you can buy things for yourself with greater ease because this is a great time to shop for wardrobe goodies. Although you are more inclined this month to take a backseat; nevertheless, you are keen to express your views and ideas to others. And they are listening!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

September: This is the only month of the year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting a flattering light on you, symbolically speaking. Because you look favourable and capable in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs, now is the time for you to advance your cause. Demand the advantage! Make your pitch. You can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket. 

October: Perhaps the advantage of last month has led to increased popularity? Whatever the cause, you are out there flying your colours, enjoying schmoozing with everyone. Many of you will play a take-charge role in a group. Or perhaps this energy will be expressed by competing with someone? Meanwhile, some are involved in secret love affairs. (You know who are.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

September: Grab every chance to travel because this will delight you this month. You want to learn more and explore your world. A cruise or a chance to travel for pleasure will really please you. Some of you will use this same astrological influence to study or go back to school. Either way – your world will expand.

October: It’s important to know that you make a fabulous impression on bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs this month, which means you can go for the gold. Mars is arousing your ambition and will help you do this. Meanwhile, creative, younger friends will be a source of fun and adventure. Enjoy! 

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

September: This is a passionate month! You feel passionate about every aspect of your life –inheritances, shared property, sex, relationships and a curiosity about the wealth of your partner. You’re exploring secrets this month and doing so with stealth and care. This is an excellent time to ask for a loan.

October: This month ushers in a big shift. You need a change of scenery. It’s time to get outta Dodge! You also have strong opinions about politics, religion and racial issues. Be bold about going after what you want because people in power are impressed with you. Don’t hesitate to approach them with your ideas.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

September: You need more sleep this month because you are more involved with partners and close friends, which might be draining. Mars opposite your sign indicates conflict with others; fortunately, fair Venus is also opposite your sign, and this softens everything. Discussions will be important.

October: Lively disputes about inheritances and shared property might take place now. Fortunately, you have lovely opportunities to travel for pleasure. Book a cruise. Find the Sun. Not only will you enjoy a chance to escape and discover stimulating adventure, a romance with someone different might blossom. Woot!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

September: You must be gripped by that back-to-school feeling because you want to be on top of your game this month. You want to work more efficiently and effectively so you can be as productive as you can. You will also think about how you can manage your life in the best way possible. Ideas? And let us not forget – how can you improve your health and buff that bod?

October: This month is about friendships, partnerships and marriage. Something might be coming to a head, which means you are focused on a relationship more than usual because issues demand it. Ironically, this is the best month of the year to objectively see your style of relating to others. You can learn a lot. Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, your affections are hot!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

September: Summer is over and the kids are back in school. Yes, it’s time to get back in the saddle – or is it? Hey, you’re still in “play” mode. That’s why this is also the perfect month to take a vacation. If you don’t, then focus your attention on activities with kids as well as social outings, the arts and sports events. Romance also looks promising. (Sigh.)

October: Now you have the energy to focus on work and it is rewarding. Coworkers are cooperative and supportive. You might get a raise; you most certainly will get praise. Actually, this is the best month of the year to think about turning over a new leaf. Ideas? Relationships are solid. Focus on how to better manage your life on a day-to-day basis.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

September: You can expect to devote attention to family get-togethers and home repairs this month because home and family will be your priority. Furthermore, this is also an excellent month to entertain at home. Invite family and friends over to swap stories about what happened this summer. Some of you will tackle home renovations because it’s time.

October: This month you want to do your own thing. That’s why your personal freedom is important to you. If you can slip away on a vacation, you’ll love it. If you can’t get away on a vacation, then take a pretend vacation at home. Enjoy social outings, sports events, kids activities and romantic times with your main squeeze. Fun and pleasure is your motto!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

September: Your communication skills are fabulous! You’re persuasive and convincing. That’s why this is a great month for those who sell, market, teach, act or write. Not only will you have lots of clever ideas, you will have the confidence to present them with flair. This is also the perfect month to take short trips and explore more of your world.

October: By nature, you’re a nester, and this month your nesting instinct is strong, which is why you’re focused on home, family and your private life. Repairs, renovations, visiting guests and residential moves will create some chaos on the home front. Fortunately, social outings, mini vacations, the arts and sports events will be your reward. A fun diversion!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

September: You’ve been thinking about money more than unusual since summer. This month cash flow, earnings and major expenditures are on your mind. You’re working hard to earn your money plus you have moneymaking ideas – but you are also spending big. That’s because this year you want to enjoy vacations and entertaining getaways. You need these things to feel alive!

October: This month is fast-paced and busy! In part, this might be because you are entertaining at home or doing redecorating projects. Whatever the case, you will be proactive, confident and aggressive in all your dealings with others. You will also be quick to defend your rights. Oh yes – you will say what you mean and mean what you say.


Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Georgia also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:



Cancer, It’s your month! The Sun and Venus are in your sign making you so attractive to everyone. 


Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: May/June 2019
Taurus, Your focus with money continues. (Who is surprised? You are the financial wizard of the zodiac.)

Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019
Aries, It’s your birthday and you’re in charge. It’s time to put yourself first because that’s exactly what you should do. Use this time to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you are a strong resource for yourself and others this year.

Horoscope: March/April 2019

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions

Don’t hesitate to “think big” because this is the year to do this. 

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions


It’s your month and you’re in top form! You feel confident, optimistic and eager to embrace your future; and well you should be because your ruler Jupiter is finally in your sign for the first time since 2007. Yay! Nevertheless, you must cope with increased chaos on the home front due to visitors, renovations residential moves.  


Horoscope for September/October 2018

Horoscope for September/October 2018
This month there’s a back-to-school vibe in the air that makes you click your heels and stand at attention. Yes, it’s time to pull your act together. 

Horoscope for September/October 2018
