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Friday, March 14, 2025

Horoscope: November/December 2019

By Georgia Nichols, 18 Nov, 2019 10:15 PM
  • Horoscope: November/December 2019

Scorpio, This is your hour! With the Sun in your sign, you’re empowered.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

November: This is your hour! With the Sun in your sign, you’re empowered. This is your chance to replenish and rejuvenate yourself for the rest of year. Old friends from the past, including ex-partners, are back in your world again. (Indeed, something hidden or behind the scenes is going on.) Enjoy shopping for pretty things for yourself and loved ones.

December: Fiery Mars is now in your sign, boosting your energy, making you aggressive in your relations with others. (I suggest you work out at the gym or get physical exercise to blow off some steam.) Money is your focus this month and you have moneymaking ideas. Meanwhile, relations with daily contacts are affectionate and sweet.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

November: This is a fabulous month to do research. You will be successful. Study history or delve into the past (this includes remembering your childhood). Group activities are exciting and possibly competitive, especially with athletics. This is an excellent month to buy wardrobe items for yourself because you will love what you see in the mirror.

December: It’s your birthday, which means this is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. It’s also the perfect time for you to set goals that will be future guidelines and help you make important decisions. It’s easy for you to attract money to you this month, which is why you are spending on pretty things for yourself and others. Enjoy!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

November: Old friends from the past are back in your world making this a popular time for you as you mingle with friends plus groups and organizations. This popularity is timely because you are also ambitious right now, which means this could be a favourable time to make an important contact with someone. (So often it’s not what you know but who you know.)

December: Contradictory messages from the stars exist for you this month. In one way, you want to retire and be by yourself. You will cherish your privacy. However, both Mars and Venus will push you into socializing with others and participating in group activities. Meanwhile, this is an excellent time to define your goals and begin to pursue them. (Gasp.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

November: This month you will encounter parents, bosses and authority figures from your past. Be ready to take advantage of this encounter because it might be a chance for closure. It might also be a chance to get a recommendation or establish a future reference. Explore your desire to travel. Opportunities in medicine, the law, publishing and the media are yours for the having. Yes!

December: A popular month! Everyone wants to see your face. Enjoy schmoozing with others because you will also use your ambition to get what you want. It will be to your advantage to work and cooperate with others this month. Strive to establish who you are in your friendships as well as in groups. (Your friends are a reflection of who you are.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

November: This month you want to travel and expand your world; however, Mercury retrograde will create delays and confusion. Therefore, double check itineraries and travel details. Likewise, allow extra time in your travels to cope with the unexpected. Romance with someone in a position of authority might blossom. Meanwhile, people will seek out your artistic advice about how to make something look attractive.

December: You look fabulous to bosses, parents and VIPs this month. You don’t have to do anything special? It’s the power of the heavens! Obviously, you can use this blessing to advance your agenda and demand the advantage. Enjoy socializing with creative, artistic friends. Grab every chance to travel and get further education because you can.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

November: A little warning: Mercury retrograde is in one of your Money houses. This is good news and bad news. The good news is money that has been owed to you from the past might come to you now. Yay! The bad news is funds that you are expecting might be delayed. (It’s frustrating and unpredictable.) Meanwhile, be patient with partners.

December: You want to get outta Dodge this month! Do what you can to explore a change of scenery because you need stimulation and fresh discovery. Fortunately, relations with bosses and parents are smooth, so you might swing this. (Your sex drive is amped as well.) Be skilful dealing with disputes about inheritances and shared property. (Why be otherwise?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

November: Ex-spouses, ex-partners and old friends are back in your world. This could be thrilling or not. You are also in the enviable position of being able to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Meanwhile, you’re pumped to work hard and get things done.

December: This is an intense, passionate time. (And you are a sensuous person.) Nevertheless, because fiery Mars is opposite your sign, it’s easy to be annoyed with others, which in turn, creates friction. Remember: Patience is the antidote to anger. Meanwhile, grab every chance to travel for pleasure. Yes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

November: You want to be productive and efficient in your job and your work this month; nevertheless, retrograde Mercury will cause delays, shortages, confused communications, computer crashes, equipment problems and misplaced paperwork. Aaggh! Fortunately, Mars makes you playful and supportive. Enjoy romance, fun socializing and the arts.

December: You need more sleep this month because this is the only month of the year when the Sun (symbolically speaking) is as far away from your sign as it gets all year. Fortunately, Mars comes to the rescue, giving you abundant energy to work hard and get things done. One caveat: You might not get credit for everything to do. (Oh well.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

November: A saucy month! You might be caught up in a swirl of romance, love affairs, vacations, parties and chances to enjoy the theatre, sports events and playful times with children. Old flames are back in your life, which will be titillating. Be patient with chaos and increased activity at home due to renovations or visiting guests. It is what it is.

December: Even though your primary motive this month is to work hard and be productive; nevertheless, fiery Mars will bring you a busy social calendar. Yes, you still want to party and have fun! With Venus opposite your sign fine-tuning your relations with others, you can have it all.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

November: Family might be camped on your doorstep this month because retrograde Mercury will attract relatives and family members to you. You might also deal with old family business. Whatever happens, you will be firm and assertive talking to others because you identify with your ideas. Fair Venus will attract romance and social diversions, giving you fun escapes. Ready?

December: This can be a happy month for you because your primary drive is to do what you want and set your own priorities. Your attitude toward relationships is lighter. You want to socialize. You feel free-spirited. You will also enjoy fun outings, sports and activities with kids. (Admittedly, increased chaos and activity on the home front is trying.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

November: Mercury retrograde will create delays and mixed-up communications this month. It will encourage car problems, missed buses and transportation delays. (Ouch.) Because you will misplace things, miss appointments and run late, your best defence is to allow extra time for everything that you do, so that you have wiggle room to cope with the unexpected. Right?

December: Home and family are your priority now. Stock the fridge because you will be entertaining and enjoying the company of family and friends. The pace of your days will accelerate because you have an ambitious to-do list. The arts, romance and creative activities are blessed. It’s a lovely month for fun and entertainment!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

November: Things are a tad tricky this month because Mercury retrograde is in your house of Earnings. On the upside, you might find something that you had lost? You might also close a pending deal? But more likely, financial matters will be delayed or confused. Get more exercise this month because with Mars in your sign, you’re PowerPoint on steroids.

December: The pace of your days will accelerate this month because you have places to go, things to do and people to see. Meanwhile, work hard to make money because you are spending money, dare we say haemorrhaging? Fair Venus will attract people to your home, so have good food and drink on hand because you will entertain and yet, you will also find time to enjoy quiet hours in familiar surroundings.


Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Georgia also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:


HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019
Get out and schmooze because you need to talk to others. Get more physical exercise. This is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Enjoy!

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019


Cancer, It’s your month! The Sun and Venus are in your sign making you so attractive to everyone. 


Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: May/June 2019
Taurus, Your focus with money continues. (Who is surprised? You are the financial wizard of the zodiac.)

Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019
Aries, It’s your birthday and you’re in charge. It’s time to put yourself first because that’s exactly what you should do. Use this time to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you are a strong resource for yourself and others this year.

Horoscope: March/April 2019

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions

Don’t hesitate to “think big” because this is the year to do this. 

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions


It’s your month and you’re in top form! You feel confident, optimistic and eager to embrace your future; and well you should be because your ruler Jupiter is finally in your sign for the first time since 2007. Yay! Nevertheless, you must cope with increased chaos on the home front due to visitors, renovations residential moves.  

