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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Horoscope: March/April 2020

By Georgia Nichols, 29 Mar, 2020 12:19 AM
  • Horoscope: March/April 2020

March is a month with mixed signals for you. In one way, you will be ambitious and aggressive about going after what you want.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

MARCH: March is a month with mixed signals for you. In one way, you will be ambitious and aggressive about going after what you want. You will do whatever you can to advance your situation. However, a counter influence will make you want to hide and take a backseat and work alone or from behind the scenes. You must juggle these energies.

APRIL: This month you are powerful and strong! You are energized because the Sun is in your sign making you look attractive to others. This is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Your reputation shines and you will be physically active in sports and groups. In fact, some will be in a competition.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

MARCH: Not only is March a popular month, but old friends are back in your world giving you a chance to trade lies and talk about the bad old days. This is a great month to buy wardrobe treasures. It’s also a marvellous time to travel! Issues related to higher education, publishing, the media, medicine, and the law will flourish.

APRIL: Your ambition is aroused now, which is why you will go after what you want. This is a good thing because you can attract money to you this month. You will also want to spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones (including treasures from foreign countries). This is a good time to do research and seek answers to old problems.


Gemini (May 21-June 20)

MARCH: You look marvellous darling! The Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering light which makes people admire you. Since you might face disputes about shared property, taxes and inheritances, this good press with VIPs will help you. Meanwhile, secret love affairs are percolating.

APRIL: Suddenly, everyone wants to see your face! This is a popular month, in part because old friends are back in your life. Fortunately, Venus in your sign makes you charming and diplomatic. People who haven’t seen you for a while will be impressed. (Do nothing to dissuade them of this notion.) Great month to travel and shop for wardrobe goodies


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

MARCH: This month you want adventure and stimulation! Travel is an excellent choice. Another option would be taking a course or getting training, especially from other cultures. It’s also a popular month. (A friend could become a lover.) Meanwhile, conflict with those who are closest to you is possible. Don’t jeopardize a long-term relationship for a mere bon bon. Be smart.

APRIL: This month you shine in the eyes of others! Bosses, teachers and parents are impressed. Obviously, you can use this to your advantage. Secret love affairs are a strong possibility, and your sexual passions are strong. (Is this the cause of friction about shared property, taxes, inheritances and jointly-held property?)


Leo (July 23-August 22)

MARCH: With Venus at the top of your chart, you make a favourable impression on others. In fact, a romance with a boss could begin, especially because this is such a passionate month for you. Your feelings about everything are intense and powerful! Some of this energy will translate into your desire to work, which is why you will be busting your buns on the job.

APRIL: This is a lovely month! Grab every chance to travel or get further education. Publishing, the media, medicine, and the law are blessed. Enjoy socializing with creative, artistic friends and acquaintances. Nevertheless, be patient with partners and close friends to avoid friction, which is no fun for anyone.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

MARCH: You will need more sleep this month. (Go to bed.) Ironically, something that might be exhausting is your encounter with ex-partners, ex-spouses and old friends. This might also be why you want to escape and travel somewhere for pleasure. (I’m outta here!) Actually, travel for pleasure is a wise choice because this month you want to play and have fun!

APRIL: With Venus at the top of your chart this month, it’s an excellent time to ask bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs for a favour because they are so well inclined to you. (In fact, a romance with a boss could begin.) Bosses will also be impressed with your tenacity and perseverance on the job because you are pumped to work hard and accomplish something. Oh yes!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

MARCH: You like harmony in your surroundings. However, this month increased activity and chaos might take place at home due to renovations, redecorating projects or visiting guests. Something is up. Fortunately, you are psyched to work hard right now because you want to get organized in every aspect of your life. And you will!

APRIL: Partnerships and close friendships are important to you; however, this month, more than any other month in the year, your focus on close relationships is paramount. (This could be because ex-partners are back in your world.) Travel for pleasure if you can. Enjoy sports events, socializing with others and playful activities with kids.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

MARCH: This is a great month to party and take a vacation! You will enjoy socializing with others (especially fun activities with children) attending sports events and cultural performances. Make plans to have fun. Meanwhile, relations with partners and close friends are warm and rewarding, even though your communications with everyone is pumped.

APRIL: You are seized by a spring-cleaning frenzy because suddenly you’re determined to be better organized in every aspect of your life, at home, at work and even socially. This is wonderful because motivation is everything. Quite likely, your high standards will include your health as well. Indeed, you want to be perfect!


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

MARCH: Home and family are a strong focus for you now; in part because relatives are camped out on your doorstep. Your only recourse is to stock the fridge. (Hopefully, they will help with the cleanup. Lazy guests are such a bore.) Relations with coworkers are particularly smooth now. In fact, a work-related romance might begin for some of you. (Oh my.) 

APRIL: It’s play city for your sign this month! Slip away on a vacation if you can swing this. Whatever you do, this will be a busy, active month full of short trips, visits and conversations with many people. Fortunately, Venus is opposite your sign, which makes you oh so charming and diplomatic with everyone. Ah, romance swoons dizzily along.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

MARCH: The pace of your days will accelerate this month because you have so much to do. Short trips, appointments and errands in addition to increased reading, writing and studying. (Gasp.) Relatives and friends you haven’t seen for a while are back in the picture as well. Guard against transportation delays because they are a certainty. (Auto breakdowns, missed buses.)

APRIL: After your recent busy swirl of activity, you need to catch your breath this month. Grab every chance to cocoon at home. You might be more involved than usual with a parent. Very likely, visiting guests and relatives will demand your attention as well. Meanwhile, not only are you working hard to earn money, you’re spending it. Ka-ching!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

MARCH: Show me the money!? This is a tricky month. You are focused on money, cash flow, earnings and your assets and possessions. Meanwhile, cheques in the mail will be late and financial negotiations might be confused and delayed. Note: This is a lovely month to entertain at home as well as to redecorate where you live.

APRIL: This is a fast-paced month for you because you have a full agenda. On top of that, you are taking short trips and travelling. Your challenge is that communications will suffer from confusion and misunderstandings. In addition, whatever mode of travel you choose, you will encounter delays. Fortunately, with Mars in your sign, you’re strong, focused and energetic! (Hot month for romance.)


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

MARCH: Ta da! The Sun is in your sign, which empowers you and gives you a chance to replenish and rejuvenate yourself. Indeed, you will be physically active with groups, especially athletics. Despite silly mistakes and delays due to Mercury retrograde, you are happy this month because you appreciate your surroundings and you appreciate the love in your world. (Gosh.)


APRIL: Expect the fact that there will be delays in financial matters this month. For example, cheques in the mail will be late. Deliveries will be late. Nevertheless, you might be shopping for beautiful things for your home because you want to entertain and show something off. A previous real-estate opportunity might surface again. A second chance?




2020 Yearly Predictions

2020 Yearly Predictions
What’s in Store for you this year?

2020 Yearly Predictions

Horoscope: November/December 2019

Horoscope: November/December 2019
Money is your focus this month and you have moneymaking ideas. 

Horoscope: November/December 2019

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019
Get out and schmooze because you need to talk to others. Get more physical exercise. This is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Enjoy!

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019


Cancer, It’s your month! The Sun and Venus are in your sign making you so attractive to everyone. 


Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: May/June 2019
Taurus, Your focus with money continues. (Who is surprised? You are the financial wizard of the zodiac.)

Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019
Aries, It’s your birthday and you’re in charge. It’s time to put yourself first because that’s exactly what you should do. Use this time to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you are a strong resource for yourself and others this year.

Horoscope: March/April 2019
