Aries (March 21-April 19)
November: This is an intense passionate month! Romance is hot; but relations with partners, spouses and close friends are dicey because you are easily annoyed with them. Patience is your best ally. This is an excellent time to get a mortgage or loan, or to ask for a favour because the universe will be generous to you.
December: You want to travel and do something stimulating! New romance with someone from another country or a different background might begin. Disputes about shared property are likely. But the big news is that you are entering your time of harvest. Nothing can stop you now.
Lucky Days: November 1, 2, 28, 29, 30 December 26, 27

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
November: You need more rest, perhaps due to tiresome disputes with coworkers. Fortunately, relations with partners and close friends are warm and supportive. These disputes might be because you are setting high standards for yourself and others. Don’t be too demanding. Not everyone has your work ethic. Be realistic.
December: Financial matters, shared property and inheritances are your focus. Ask for what you want because you might get it. It is finally the time to begin to get ready for
a career success in 2021. What further education will help you maximize the opportunities that occur three years from now? What about travel? (This is always an education.)
Lucky Days: November 3, 4 December 1, 2, 28, 29

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
November: Work is your focus this month and you will enjoy it. The joy of accomplishment and the satisfaction of your achievements will please you. Coworkers will be also supportive (what more do you want?). Meanwhile, parties, sports, vacations, romance and playful activities with children are a delightful escape! Work hard, party hard!
December: This month you need more rest. Respect this. Fortunately, relations with partners, spouses and close friends are warm and supportive. Despite your need for rest, your hard work will be rewarded because you have an amazing opportunity to get a better job or improve your existing job in the coming months. This is good news because you want your independence.
Lucky Days: November 5, 6 December 3, 4, 30, 31

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
November: A delightful fun-loving month awaits you. Accept invitations to party. Enjoy sports events, romantic escapes, the arts and playful activities with children. This is a fun month! Of course, life is never perfect. Be patient with increased chaos, activity and tension at home. Be kind and tolerant with family members to maintain harmony.
December: This is the beginning of a major change in your life. Since 2003, you have reinvented yourself. Since 2010, you worked hard to find your place in the world. Now as you approach 2018, you will get recognition for your efforts. At last! Unfortunately, this recognition might create tension with partners, spouses and close friends.
Lucky Days: November 7, 8 December 5, 6

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
November: Your communication style is strong this month, which promotes sales, marketing, teaching, acting and writing. Nevertheless, home and family are your priority. Enjoy redecorating and buying beautiful things for your home so you can entertain with style. In 2018, you will create your dream home. (For Leo, your home is your castle.)
December: It’s party time! Enjoy the festivities of December. Romance, the arts, social diversions and playful activities with children will delight. In recent years, you faced increased responsibilities with children. Now your attention will turn to work because you intend to bust your buns. Your goal will be efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. Yes!
Lucky Days: November 9, 10 December 7, 8

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
November: You hit the pavement running this month with a jam-packed schedule full of short trips, reading and writing. Nevertheless it’s a lovely month because you will appreciate your surroundings and be grateful for the love in your everyday world. Sounds corny but it is true. This month you can make money from your words. Remember this.
December: Now your attention turns to family and home. Expect to redecorate and create a beautiful home for yourself and loved ones. Then you will entertain with style. Your busy pace continues but your optimism makes you shine. You will discover joy and accomplishment in your work, which makes it rewarding.
Lucky Days: November 11, 12, 13 December 9

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
November: With Mars in your sign, you’re energetic and powerful (but you might come on too strong for others). Get physical exercise. Meanwhile, financial matters are your priority. You are working hard to earn money; and just as hard to spend it. Fear not because your earnings will increase in 2018. Short trips and time with siblings will delight.
December: This is a busy month but you shine with energy. Fair Venus makes you charming and diplomatic, which in turn, gives you an advantage in financial negotiations. This is a hint of what is to come because your earnings will increase in 2018. This is also timely because in the next two years, you will repair and improve your home to create a safe refuge for yourself and your family.
Lucky Days: November 13, 14, 15 December 11, 12

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
November: You look marvelous darling, marvelous! It doesn’t get much better than this because the Sun, fair Venus and lucky moneybags Jupiter are all in Scorpio. (You wanted more?) Enjoy your good fortune. This is your turn to re-energize yourself for the coming year, especially because you must channel the good fortune that will come to you with Jupiter in your sign (this happens only once every 12 years).
December: The gods are smiling on you because while lucky Jupiter is in your sign in 2018, you are entering a two-year window of job changes or residential moves or both. This month your focus is on money, earnings and buying beautiful things. Start to prepare because the winds of change are blowing in your direction.
Lucky Days: November 16, 17, 18 December 13, 14, 15

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
November: This is a low key month. Work alone or behind the scenes. A dispute with a friend or a member of a group is likely. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Secret love affairs will take place for some; but many of you will become more deeply in touch with your spirituality and your inner world. Priceless!
December: This is your month and you are empowered! It’s time to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. You attract favourable situations and important people to you, which is timely because this is the perfect month to upgrade your wardrobe. Usually, you dress for comfort; but it’s time to dress for success. Remember: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Lucky Days: November 18, 19, 20 December 15, 16, 17

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
November: You value prestige and respect. Appearances matter and many of you pay more for famous labels. Naturally, people notice. This is the month to flaunt your wares because you are popular. Everyone wants to sit at your table. (You will enjoy mingling with creative, artistic types.) Nevertheless, your ambition is aroused. No moss growing on you.
December: Good news! After giving up people, places and possessions, you are striking out on a new path and heading in a new direction. The change might be so dramatic your daily wardrobe will be different. Basically, you will reinvent yourself in the next seven years. Enjoy interactions with others because they will benefit you.
Lucky Days: November 21, 22, 23 December 18, 19, 20

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
November: This is one of the most powerful months of the year because bosses and parents admire you. This gives you have the upper hand. Demand the advantage! It’s important to know that in 2018, you have the chance to boost your reputation in the eyes of everyone. You will look like a winner. Shakespeare said, “Assume a virtue and it’s yours.”
December: A popular month! Enjoy interacting with friends and groups. (A friend might become a lover.) Get ready for success in your reputation and career, which might force you to get rid of what is no longer relevant in your life. Start going through closets, cupboards and garages to get rid of what you don’t need. It’s time to lighten up!
Lucky Days: November 23, 24, 25 December 21, 22, 23

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
November: Grab every chance to travel for pleasure this month. You will adore it. Romance with someone different might blossom. Explore opportunities in higher education, foreign countries, the law, medicine, publishing and the media because this is where your good fortune lies in 2018. Disputes about shared property, money and inheritances might be unavoidable.
December: You make a fabulous impression on bosses, parents and VIPs this month. In fact, you look so attractive you might strike up a romance with a boss. Grab opportunities to travel. The lesson you have to learn now is to value yourself. Everyone wants a piece of you but you need to discover the balance between pleasing others and maintaining your own integrity.
Lucky Days: November 26, 27 December 23, 24, 25