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Saturday, January 25, 2025

2020 Yearly Predictions

By Georgia Nicols, 28 Jan, 2020 11:38 PM
  • 2020 Yearly Predictions

What’s in Store for you this year?

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
“The harder I work, the luckier I get!”

Career & Money
This year lucky Jupiter is in Capricorn. This blessing occurs only once every 12 years and will not return until 2032. Therefore, do everything to use this advantage. People and resources will be drawn to you. Personally, you will feel more confident and secure about yourself. It will be a time of learning and gaining new experience because Jupiter rules universities and travel. Even the spiritual dimension of your life will become greater. It will be a fortunate year for you both professionally and personally. By nature, you are cautious, but this year, you have Lady Luck on your shoulder. (It’s important to know that next year in 2021 you will become richer.).

When lucky Jupiter is in your own sign, you appear more attractive to everyone because you’re happier. You are more confident. This is one of the best years for singles to meet new people. However, all relationships will improve because you’re happier. Enjoy your good fortune this year, romantic or otherwise.

Home and Family
For the last few years, your home experienced sudden interruptions. However, these changes were indications where your life needs to improve. For some, old ties with the past must be broken. Fortunately, this year, you’re happier, more relaxed and confident, all qualities that improve relations with family. After June, your home scene will have increased activity and chaos, and your ability to be upbeat and positive will be invaluable.

Lucky days in 2020
January 22, 23 | February 18, 19, 20
March 17, 18 | April 13, 14
May 10, 11 | June 7, 8
July 4, 5, 31 | August 1, 2, 28, 29
September 24, 25 | October 21, 22
November 17, 18, 19 | December 15, 16

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
“I welcome new ideas, new places and new people into my life.”

Career & Money
This year begins low-key and then gets stronger and stronger, professionally speaking. In the last six months, you will be confident and assured. If you can avoid being overbearing, people will respect and listen to you. This year is also the beginning of a 30-year journey where you will reinvent yourself in the next eight years. After June, the pace of your everyday life will accelerate and you will feel a renewal of energy.

Because you’re striking out in a new direction, many of you will meet new people, especially romantic partners. However, after June, you will become more aggressive. Obviously, this has some positive benefits. But it can also be off-putting to close friends and romantic partners. They might see you as bossy, opinionated and too keen to proselytize your ideas. Oops!

Home and Family
In 2020, much of the anxiety and depression you felt in the last few years will lift away, making it easier to feel compassion and a genuine sense of caring for loved ones. Mars will make you aggressive and opinionated. Therefore, be aware of how you speak. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Don’t get hung up on your need to convince others to agree with you. Remember: there are none so deaf as those who are wearing headphones.

Lucky days in 2020
January 24, 25, 26 | February 21, 22
March 19, 20 | April 15, 16, 17
May 12, 13, 14 | June 9, 10
July 6, 7, 8 | August 3, 4, 30, 31
September 26, 27 | October 23, 24, 25
November 20, 21 | December 17, 18

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
“I will learn how to handle being popular.”

Career & Money
In 2020, you will be more popular, which means your challenge is to learn how to work with people and at the same time, maintain your own independence and integrity. Do not sell out to please everyone. Having said that, you do stand to benefit from your cooperation with others. (Yes, this sounds like a contradiction, and it is.) In the last six months of this year, you will work hard to make money.

This is one of the best years in your life for relationships. Friends will help you. You might take on a leadership role with groups and clubs. You will meet new people and encounter new romance. Jealousy is possible. Your partner might not understand why you choose to be more involved with others. Include your partner to assuage their suspicions or insecurities. But in the bigger picture, you will be happy with your popularity– and this happiness will reflect in a greater warmth dealing with everyone

Home and Family
Because you are happier this year, you will enjoy more positive relationships with family. You’ll be happier dealing with your kids. However, your popularity and increased involvement with clubs might rob you of the time you spend at home. But hey, this year you’re a Gordon Gekko wearing shoes by Ferragamo. Or you’re prancing in a Prada suit, flashing red soles. I rest my handbag (Coach.)

Lucky days in 2020
January 1, 27, 28 | February 23, 24, 25
March 21, 22, 23 | April 18, 19
May 15, 16 | June 11, 12, 13
July 9, 10 | August 5, 6
September 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 30 | October 26, 27
November 22, 23 | December 19, 20, 21

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
“This is my year to go for the gold!”

Career & Money
There are three reasons why this year is professionally successful. First, it’s your time of harvest, when your cherished dreams will come true. (This occurs every 30 years.) Secondly, lucky Jupiter will beat the top of your chart, during your time of harvest, which is a double whammy of good fortune. You will receive a promotion, public recognition, kudos and the increased esteem of your peers. The third influence is your ruler Mars will be your sign for the last six months of the year, making you work hard and ready to be a fighter for your own rights. You’ll be PowerPoint on steroids!

This is a winning year for your reputation and hey, success is sexy. If single, you’re abetter catch. If in a relationship, you will be happier, upbeat and more ready to celebrate life. Meanwhile Mars will boost your sex drive for the last six months of the year.

Home and Family
Obviously, when you have more physical energy, confidence, drive and optimism, you can address any situation and get better results. This year, you will have abundant energy for family activities. You will have more energy to share with your kids. You will be more enthusiastic about adventures and vacations. You will have more energy to do things in your personal life and this will make you a winner.

Lucky days in 2020
January 2, 3, 29, 30 | February 26, 27
March 2, 3, 29, 30 | April 20, 21, 22
May 17, 18, 19 | June 14, 15
July 11, 12, 13 | August 7, 8, 9
September 4, 5 | October 1, 2, 28, 29, 30
November 24, 25, 26 | December 22, 23

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
“This is my year of preparation for good things to come!”

Career & Money
The year 2021 is your time of harvest. Not this year but next year. Therefore, the extent to which you study and work this year will dictate the success you have next year (and beyond). Therefore, this is the year to get performance ready. Take a course, go to school, get training that improves your chances for future success. If you can travel, great. This will give you the kind of edge you need to enter 2021. After June, it will be hard to get credit for your work.

There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is because you will find it difficult to get credit for your work in the last six months of the year, you might feel frustrated, which will impact your relationships. Therefore, be mindful so you don’t let your frustrations harm your personal relationships. The good news is you will have amazing opportunities to travel and interact with other cultures. Fun stuff! You will find yourself involved with people who are different from you. (Maybe a new romance?)

Home and Family
Your home scene might change this year because you’ll travel more. Some might move to another country or get involved with someone from another culture. You might be away from home because you’re attending school. However, you will feel rewarded by this increased travel. You will be stimulated by learning more, and this new stimulation will enrich your family relationships. Remember that your efforts this year will come to fruition next year with a stunning success that is obvious in 2021-2022. Patience!

Lucky days in 2020
January 4, 5, 6 | February 1, 2, 28, 29
March 1, 26, 27, 28 | April 23, 24
May 20, 21 | June 16, 17 18
July 14, 15 | August 10, 11
September 6, 7, 8 | October 3, 4, 5, 31
November 1, 27, 28 | December 24, 25, 26

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
“I’m happy to get more money and support!”

Career & Money
This year is about your assets and the wealth you share with others (shared property, debt, or including insurance settlements). Last year, you had to get along with less support from others. This year will loosen the purse strings of partners and other sources. You can swing that loan or raise money for your business. Money and financial support are coming your way!

Money is a big factor in relationships, often more than sex. This is because money affects our day-to-day living and how we fulfil our wants and needs. In this respect, your relationships will improve this year because you will benefit financially and in practical terms. This will pave the way for smoother relationships. However, some friendships might experience problems, especially in the last half of the year. You will want your way. You will resent group pressures and find it difficult to work with anyone who tries to tell you what to do. Oy vey!

Home and Family
Family relations will benefit from the increased wealth that you receive this year. Many will inherit. You might receive more money from the government or get a payout, which allows you to be generous with family. This makes fun vacations and social outings possible and create happy memories. If you have suffered recently, especially physically, this year it will be easy for you to heal because many fortunate changes are taking place that will make your life richer and more rewarding.

Lucky days in 2020
January 7, 8 | February 3, 4, 5
March 2, 3, 29, 30 | April 25, 26, 27
May 22, 23, 24 | June 19, 20
July 16, 17 | August 15, 16
September 9, 10 | October 6, 7
November 2, 3, 4, 29 | December 1, 27, 28

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
“I appreciate how important and helpful others are.”

Career & Money
This year partnerships will help your career. Therefore, be open to working with others and accepting their advice. Mars will be at the top of your chart for the last six months of this year arousing your ambition as never before; however, it will also make you bossy. Remember Goethe’s advice about educating children? Correction does much but encouragement does more.

Approximately every 33-38 years, Saturn lines up with Pluto and this is powerful. This occurred in 1914, 1947, 1982, and now in the beginning of 2020. For you, this occurs in your House of Partnerships, which means some might have a radical change to committed partnerships. Troubled partnerships might end. However, countering this influence, lucky Jupiter is also present in your House of Partnerships, promoting loving affection and mutual appreciation in partnerships.

Home and Family
All your encounters will be positive this year because Jupiter is opposite your sign.(This happens only once every 12 years.)This also means that others will help you and vice versa. It also means it’s the best year for Cancers to get married in over a decade. However, for the last half of the year, you are eager to achieve your aims. This will rob your time from home and family and perhaps create conflicts with authority figures. Keep this in mind because promoting family harmony is vital for your happiness. Family is gold.

Lucky days in 2020
January 9, 10 | February 6, 7
March 4, 5, 31 | April 1, 2, 28, 29
May 25, 26 | June 21, 22
July 18, 19, 20 | August 15, 16
September 11, 12 | October 8, 9,10
November 5, 6 | December 2, 3, 29, 30, 31

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
“My energy and focus help me attain success!”

Career & Money
The year 2020 is the best chance in over a decade to improve your job. You will get better duties, a promotion, better working conditions or your evil boss will be transferred to Timbuktu. Or you can get a better job. From July 1 onwards for the rest of the year, Mars will boost your energy and make you vigourous and willing to work hard. Your self-confidence will be strong and yet, you will be calm, decisive and clear about your intentions. Your health will improve this year as well!

You might be so successful you give less energy to your relationships. (There are only 24 hours in a day.) Or you might be so happy because of your job success, you carry this happiness into your relationships. When people are happier, they are easier to be with and more fun. Success is a double-edged sword. This is an excellent year for your health, which is good news for all your relationships because when you feel good, everyone is happier.

Home and Family
This year your increased job success will make you feel happier and when you feel happier, everyone else is happier. Admittedly, your success might demand more of your time, which means you have less time for family. However, this year, especially from July onwards, you will have many opportunities to travel, and this includes family trips and family vacations. This year you will be a strong role model for your family because you are healthy, focused, motivated and happy.

Lucky days in 2020
January 11, 12 | February 8, 9
March 6, 7 | April 3, 4, 30
May 1, 27, 28 | June 23, 24, 25
July 21, 22 | August 17, 18
September 13, 14, 15 | October 11, 12
November 7, 8 | December 4, 5, 6

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
“This is my year for a vacation and fun times!”

Career & Money
This year brings new opportunities in restaurants, hotels and resorts, the arts, the entertainment world plus music and videogame development as well as sports or teaching children. From July until 2021, you might be in conflict about shared debt and shared responsibilities. Don’t be bullied into doing something you don’t want to do. The thrust of this year is to explore opportunities for freedom of self-expression and to be bolder when dealing with your world in a professional sense. Your best opportunities will be where others pay money to be entertained ad financial speculation.

This year you will socialize and enjoy fun vacations. (Buy classy duds to make the scene!)After June, Mars will heighten your sex drive for the rest of the year. The same energy could introduce quarrels about loans or shared property. You might not agree about how to spend a limited amount of money. Meanwhile, this is the best year in over a decade to enjoy a vacation. Make plans to take a vacation to stoke the embers of your romance.

Home and Family
This is the best year in a decade for a family vacation! Make plans for whatever your budget will allow. Expect abundant opportunities to enjoy sports events, movies, fun outings, musical events and family get-togethers. This is the classic year to expand your family through birth, adoption or marriage. The bottom line to your family life this year is that you will get greater joy through your children.

Lucky days in 2020
January 13, 14 | February 10, 11
March 8, 9 | April 5, 6
May 2, 3, 29, 30 | June 26, 27
July 23, 24 | August 19, 20
September 16, 17 | October 13, 14
November 9, 10 | December 7, 8

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
“Home and family are gold.”

Career & Money
All aspects of real estate are profitable this year. If you invest in real estate or work in real estate, you can boost earnings. Before you push further in your career, you want to put down roots. This is wise. After June, fiery Mars will oppose you for the rest of the year creating tensions with partners and fellow workers. Don’t waste your energy fighting about something that isn’t worth fighting over. Hate the deed not the doer.

Because you will be happier this year, this will attract others to you and improve existing relationships. However, after June, Mars will make you less patient. There was once a great teacher named Atisha who had a cook, who was dirty, unkempt and rude, and he couldn’t cook. Confused, his students said to him, “Master! Why don’t you get rid of this terrible cook?” Atisha answered, “Abandon my cook? He is my most valued treasure! He gives me the opportunity to practise patience daily.”

Home and Family
In 2020, your home and family life will improve in a wonderful way because this is one of the loveliest years for home and family. You might move to something bigger and better. Or you might change where you live by redecorating or renovating. Something will happen that makes you feel richer at home. Your family might expand your family through birth or marriage. Family members will be more mutually generous. Plan to entertain more at home!

Lucky days in 2020
January 15, 16, 17 | February 12, 13
March 10, 11 | April 7, 8
May 4, 5, 31 | June 1, 2, 28, 29
July 25, 26 | August 21, 22
September 18, 19 | October 15, 16
November 11, 12 | December 9, 10

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
“My new contacts and training are scripting my future.”

Career & Money
This year is a turning point. In 2012, you began to create a new you, and this year, that job is complete. Stick a fork in the Lord, I’m done! Now you will start to work for future goals. You might train in a new position or improve your existing career because you’re headed for a time in 2028-2029, a time of major recognition! That’s why this is the year to get advanced training in a field of study that can be useful to you. Late in the year, you might not get credit for what you do.

In the past year, you enjoyed playful, flirtatious fun relations. This will continue this year; however, a subtle change will start to take place as you begin to focus on establishing a home base for yourself. If you are with someone who does not offer stability, that relationship might end. Alternatively, you will seek out someone who offers the security you want.

Home and Family
Even though you might have moved recently, you might move again because your main desire is to secure your home base. Accept that you are in a state of flux and do what you can to secure your home. One thing is certain in 2021 (and for later Scorpios in 2022) you will have a wonderful blessing in terms of home, real estate and family. At that time, you will move to something you really love.

Lucky days in 2020
January 18, 19 | February 14, 15
March 12, 13 | April 9, 10
May 6, 7 | June 3, 4, 30
July 1, 27, 28 | August 23, 24
September 20, 21 | October 17, 18
November 13, 14 | December 11, 12

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
“Bring on the wealth. I’m ready!”

Career & Money
Your exciting news this year is you will get richer. Ka-ching! Your earnings will increase or you’ll become richer through investments. You might become richer because you inherit. This new wealth might come in the form of material, land or shared property. One advantage you have this year is that in the last half of this year, your energies will soar. Your self-confidence will increase and you will be more effective at whatever you do.

Relationships are a tad confusing because since 2015, you’ve been reinventing yourself. If you’re in a relationship, your partner will think, “Who will I wake up next to today?” This year you’re testing some values. One thing is certain, in the last half of this year, you will be strong, invigorated, confident, enthusiastic and you will attract this kind of person to you. (However, this newfound strength and exuberance might overwhelm others.)

Home and Family
Because this year you’re getting richer, you will improve your home or move to bigger and better digs. You might help family members, which will be personally rewarding. A residential move will happen in the next two years. This is something to consider in future plans. After June, you will be more enthusiastic about your home or family projects. If there is something you want to achieve, you will make it happen! Your ability to be calm and yet effective and hard-working will earn the respect of relatives and anyone at home.

Lucky days in 2020
January 20, 21 | February 16, 17
March 14, 15, 16 | April 11, 12
May 8, 9 | June 5, 6
July 2, 3, 29, 30 | August 25, 26, 27
September 22, 23 | October 19, 20
November 15, 16 | December 13, 14

Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Georgia also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:



Horoscope: November/December 2019

Horoscope: November/December 2019
Money is your focus this month and you have moneymaking ideas. 

Horoscope: November/December 2019

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019
Get out and schmooze because you need to talk to others. Get more physical exercise. This is a great month to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Enjoy!

HOROSCOPE: September/October 2019


Cancer, It’s your month! The Sun and Venus are in your sign making you so attractive to everyone. 


Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: May/June 2019
Taurus, Your focus with money continues. (Who is surprised? You are the financial wizard of the zodiac.)

Horoscope: May/June 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019

Horoscope: March/April 2019
Aries, It’s your birthday and you’re in charge. It’s time to put yourself first because that’s exactly what you should do. Use this time to restore and rejuvenate yourself so you are a strong resource for yourself and others this year.

Horoscope: March/April 2019

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions

Don’t hesitate to “think big” because this is the year to do this. 

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions
