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Friday, March 14, 2025

2019 HOROSCOPE: Yearly Predictions

By Georgia Nicols, 30 Jan, 2019 12:13 AM

    What’s in store for you this year?


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    Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)  

    Element: Air

    Symbol: The Water Carrier

    Ruling Planet: Uranus

    Mantra for 2019: “All my interactions with others will benefit me this year!”

    Money and Career

    This year your life will flow more easily. Don’t hesitate to “think big” because this is the year to do this. Your big take away for this year is that your interaction with others will benefit you. Remember this. Join professional organizations and stay in touch with people in your field.

    An indication that change is afoot is the fact that you’re starting to downsize. This quality of winnowing your life in a professional sense combined with your new idealism and desire to infiltrate new groups and explore new ideas will start to take you in a new direction. 


    This is a popular year! You will be much more involved in group activities and organizations. You might even start an organization. Your involvements with others will benefit you this year. 

    Note: If your efforts somehow improve the lives of others around you, then your life will improve likewise. If your efforts only improve your own life, then the benefits you receive will be less.

    Home and Family 

    Because of your increased popularity, you will bring people home because they are new friends or because they are groups with which you are involved. You will enjoy entertaining at home. 

    Nevertheless, you are going through attics, lockers, closets and cupboards to get rid of what you think is no longer relevant in your life. You are streamlining your world because you’re getting ready for a big change!


    Pisces (February 19 – March 20)  

    Element: Water

    Symbol: The Fish

    Ruling Planet: Neptune

    Mantra for 2019: “I deserve my success!”

    Money and Career

    This is one of the best times in over a decade for you, which is why you will try hard to move ahead in your profession, your career or anything to do with your social status and your reputation. People easily admire you this year, even if you don’t do anything special. You will look affluent in the eyes of others – and certainly successful.

    Expect a promotion at work, public recognition and respect and admiration from your peers. Whatever happens in your career, one thing is certain: your experience of the world will expand and you will be in touch with people who are different – people who have something to teach you!


    You are enjoying success in your career and your ability to dazzle others, and let’s face it, success is sexy. You will look very good in the eyes of others, which is why relationships will be enjoyable and successful this year. 

    Singles will easily attract others because you look like a catch. (And you are!) However, relationships will also be supportive to you this year in practical terms. You will attract someone who admires the fact that you are more disciplined and have a careful, practical approach to life because it implies that their own future security will benefit as well. 

    Home and Family

    Like all the other aspects of your life, home and family will benefit hugely from your success. You feel you are on a more solid footing. For starters, many of you will be making more money, which allows you to have a richer private life. 

    In addition, because your relations with others, especially authority figures and parents, are more positive, this obviously lends to good feelings in the family and with relatives and those who are close to you.


    Aries (March 21 – April 19)  

    Element: Fire

    Symbol: The Ram

    Ruling Planet: Mars

    Mantra for 2019: “This year my destination is not a country; it’s a new way of seeing my world.”

    Money and Career

    This is now your time of harvest, which occurs once every 30 years. For some, this began last year; for all of you, it is now in full swing. You will see how the seeds you planted in the past come to fruition. Where you planted well, you will reap benefits. The consequences of your preparations will be evident. However, you must be ruthless and get rid of what is no longer working. 

    Fabulous opportunities to travel and explore other countries and different cultures await you. If you are thinking of taking a trip – this is the year to do it. Make plans. Book a reservation. Alternatively, this is the best year in over a decade to enjoy going back to school or continuing school. 


    This year your cherished dreams are coming true. You are focussed on your career and enjoying success and a boost to your reputation. However, all of this might be at the expense of your closest relationships. Do not let this happen – no matter how tempting. This is an ideal year to meet someone who is different, especially someone from another culture.

    Home and Family

    This year you will spend money making your surroundings more pleasing. You will also spend money on travel. Your health will be strong, too. Your primary challenge with home and family will be that with the distractions of success, plus your increased responsibilities, you have less time and energy to focus on home and family. Be mindful of this. Do not get caught up in your success.


    Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

    Element: Earth

    Symbol: The Bull

    Ruling Planet: Venus

    Mantra for 2019: “I accept all the wealth and favours that come to me this year with gratitude.”

    Money and Career 

    The year you are laying the groundwork for a future success for two windows of time ahead: The first window is 2020-2022 (just one year away); and the second window is further in the future around 2029-2030. That’s why everything that you do this year matters! The more you accomplish this year, the better foundation you will establish for future successes.

    Fortunately, it will be easy to access the wealth and resources of others or get a loan or a business mortgage. This is also a good year to do fundraising or enter into a partnership where you need financial backing. 


    This is an excellent year for relationships! Last year was an excellent year to get married. This year your relations with others will improve your financial position.

    If you have recently experienced psychological stress, this year is an excellent healing time. People will be helpful. If you have to move, they will help you move. If you go on a vacation, they will let you use their cabin. Naturally, this will be based on your past relations because what goes around comes around. 

    Home and Family

    This year your personal life will run more smoothly. Since this year is about building for the future, put energy into your home by fixing repairs or making your home solid and secure. This is a great year to get a home mortgage or loan to build, renovate or repair your home.

    Similarly, your effort to get in better shape will have a long-term benefit in the future. You can heal yourself and throw off illness.


    Gemini (May 21 – June 20) 

    Element: Air

    Symbol: The Twins

    Ruling Planet: Mercury

    Mantra for 2019: “I’m grateful to have my partners and friends this year.”

    Money and Career

    Your lovely blessing for 2019 is that this is an excellent year to enter into a professional relationship or a business partnership. This person might or might not bring money to 

    the table, but they will help you in other ways. They will boost your confidence or lift your spirits. Ironically, this is a tough year to get a business loan or mortgage or the backing of another person. Patience.


    This is the best year in over a decade for Geminis to get married. Your one-to-one encounters with others will be meaningful. Almost by magic, you will encounter people who help you and benefit you. These relationships will be mutually beneficial. Not only will others help you this year, even professional assistance will benefit you for example seeing a lawyer, a doctor, counsellor or an astrologer.

    If you marry, you will benefit financially from the marriage. Your partner might be slightly older or more well-established and your respect for this person is one of the things that makes you attracted to them.

    Home and Family 

    This year your personal life will benefit through close friends and partnerships because wealth will come to you from other sources. Relations with family members will be more positive and upbeat. 

    As you enjoy this growing confidence, your attitude will be more positive. Obviously, this increased happiness in your personal life will promote warmer relations with family members. However, this is not a good year to benefit from the wealth and resources of others, but this will not bother you at this time because it will be a happy year, which means you will feel content with the way things are.


    Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

    Element: Water

    Symbol: The Crab

    Ruling Planet: Moon

    Mantra for 2019: “I welcome a chance to improve my job and my health this year!”

    Money and Career

    Good news! This is the best year in over a decade to improve your job. You might get better duties, better working conditions, a promotion or a raise or a transfer to a better location. Your evil boss might move to Timbuktu. Whatever the situation, you will be happier in your job this year!

    However, if nothing can improve your job, you need to leave and get a better job. You will be happier in your new job, which will offer you a learning curve and possibly, work-related travel that is exciting. Your health will also improve this year. However, guard against gaining weight. (Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain?). 


    You are ready to go forward to pursue new goals and entertain new dreams! However, your partner might not welcome these changes. They like the familiar you. Herein lies the rub. If your closest relationships do not support your dreams, there’s going to be trouble.

    You stay in the wrong relationships too long. Some of you are questioning whether you should stay in a marriage. Even the best of partnerships are being tested last year and this year. Ultimately, they will come out stronger and they will persevere. 

    Home and Family

    Marriage partnerships might be challenging because this is a time when a bad marriage could end. If this is the case, do not hold on to something just for the sake of holding on, even though you are miserable. Doing this is like holding on to a hot pot. If you keep holding on, your hands are burning! For some, it’s time to let go. 


    Leo (July 23 – Aug 22) 

    Element: Fire

    Symbol: The Lion

    Ruling Planet: Sun

    Mantra for 2019: “It’s my turn to work hard and party hard!”

    Money and Career 

    This will be a successful year for your career, job and earnings because Saturn will join Pluto and both planets will work in tandem in your House of Employment. The upshot is that you will bust your buns as never before. You’ll be PowerPoint on steroids!

    Meanwhile, Jupiter will make you want to sit back and enjoy life and do nothing. This means you will work hard and play hard! You will bust your buns and then take a fabulous vacation.  You might boost your earnings through the entertainment world, sports and the hospitality industry i.e. restaurants, hotels and anything from the Bellagio in Vegas to a Pitch n Putt in Surrey.


    This is the best year for romance and love affairs that you have had in over a decade! Lucky Jupiter is in the part of your chart that symbolizes romance. This lucky influence will encourage new relationships, especially with someone different, perhaps from another culture. You might meet someone on vacation, or in a setting related to universities, publishing, the media, the law or medicine.

    Meanwhile, existing romantic relationships will be more playful and happy this year. You will have a busier schedule that includes more social activities, the theatre, sports plus fun vacations.

    Home and Family

    Relations with home and family will improve this year because you are happier. Your relations with your kids will improve and be happier as well. Plan a family vacation. You will also enjoy inviting guests for dinner or summer barbecues because you want to have fun.

    Some of you will expand your family through birth, adoption or marriage this year. Many of you will renovate, redecorate and make your home more attractive. “Let’s build a pool!”


    Virgo (August 23 – September 22)  

    Element: Earth

    Symbol: The Virgin

    Ruling Planet: Mercury

    Mantra for 2019: “I love this chance to improve my home and my family relationships!”

    Money and Career

    You can win recognition from others for your achievements this year. Employers and bosses will be impressed with your diligence and your ability to plan ahead. Some of you will make money through real estate this year and possibly next year because you will have opportunities to either make money from selling your own home or to profit from real-estate speculation. Others might explore appealing opportunities in the entertainment world, the hospitality industry and teaching.


    Some of you will have a love affair or begin a new romance with someone older, perhaps a parental figure. You might also meet someone through a family member; in fact, this is highly likely. One reason you will be more successful in all your relationships this year is because this is a wonderful year to build up your health and become stronger. What has this got to do with relationships? Common sense. You will be more invigorated, energetic and have a more positive self image, which are all qualities that affect all your interrelationships with others. Stand tall! 

    Home and Family 

    Ta da! This is the best year to improve your family and home scene in over a decade.Expect to buy lovely things for your home. You might renovate or redecorate because you will feel richer and more affluent about where you live. Those who rent might move to a bigger and better digs. Those who own their home will renovate, expand or sell and buy something better. Whatever happens, you will increase your real-estate assets.

    In the same way that you can physically improve where you live, likewise your family relationships will improve. Relations between siblings, cousins and family members will become more mutually generous and happier.


    Libra (September 23 - October 22)

    Element: Air

    Symbol: The Scales

    Ruling Planet: Venus

    Mantra for 2019: “This year I will live life to the fullest!”

    Money and Career

    This year there are challenging aspects with bosses, employers, government officials and older partners that might block your efforts. Do not withdraw from the confrontation but do not fight for the sake of fighting. And do not try to save something that isn’t worth saving. Be patient. This is not a time of defeat; it’s a time of trial.

    The good news is that your life will flow easily. With very little effort, you will move in the direction you want to go. Some bosses will endorse you – the secret is to find out who they are. 


    Ever since 2012, your closest relationships and partnerships have been tumultuous because wild Uranus has been opposite your sign for the last seven years. For many, this signaled that a relationship ended. It created hidden pressures that might have affected your health. The good news is that as of 2019, this influence moves on. Yay! You will be in the clear for the rest of your life.

    This year you will be optimistic, hopeful and in a positive frame of mind. Existing relationships will improve and new romance is always possible. Always!

    Home and Family 

    Your relations with an authority figure in the family will be tested this year. (Like last year!) This doesn’t mean life is going to hell in a handbasket. It simply means you will not easily get your way. But in the long run, your positive outlook this year will make you the winner. 

    Patience is the key. Expect to tackle major repairs to your home because what youwant to do this year is solidify your home base and cement family bonds. Now is the time to build and repair what needs to be done because, you are laying the foundation of your future. 


    Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

    Element: Water

    Symbol: The Scorpion

    Ruling Planet: Pluto

    Mantra for 2019: “I am so happy to be richer!”

    Money and Career

    This year you will earn more money! Yes, you will get richer. You will get a better paying job or you will get a raise. If you don’t have a job, your assets will increase this year. You might buy yourself wonderful things so that you feel richer.

    Not only will you earn more money this year, you will enjoy how you earn your money. This blessing comes along only once every 12 years and it will not return again for you until 2031, so make the most of this. 


    Well, let’s face it, money is sexy and you’re getting richer! This can make you attractive to some people. It means you have more disposable income to party and entertain people. But hey, who wants to attract people to them just because they have money? Exactly!

    Fortunately, you won’t be duped or seduced because Saturn will give you lots of common sense and a practical view about relationships. If you are single, you will be careful, even wary of a new relationship. Last but not least, you will feel sexier and more attractive this year because you feel financially confident plus you will have some money to throw on your back so that you look hot. 

    Home and Family

    Your home scene will benefit because you will have more disposable income plus you will have more money to buy things for your home and easily entertain.

    One of the most important things that parents can do for their kids is to remain solvent. (Yes, money keeps the kids close.) It will be a pleasure to be able to be generous to your kids and loved ones. You might also use your improved financial standing to find a better home by selling and buying or renting. 


    Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

    Element: Fire

    Symbol: The Centaur

    Ruling Planet: Jupiter

    Mantra for 2019: “I’ve got it good and that ain’t bad.” 

    Money and Career 

    Your life will be so blessed this year because your ruler Jupiter is in your own sign, which happens only once every 12 years. The next time this happens will be in 2031. This year you have much to be grateful because life will be easier. You will attract business deals and favourable financial arrangements. You will also attract important people. You will attract good luck!

    Work-related travel along with travel for pleasure will be a theme this year. You will escape from inhibiting circumstances that you want to leave and attract financial support and resources to you.  


    Naturally all of your relationships will improve this year because you are basking in the blessing of Jupiter in your sign. You have more self poise, more confidence, and will feel friendlier and happier, which makes you more attractive to others. 

    Existing relationships will improve. Because of your happy, confident countenance, you will make new friends and potential new romantic partners.

    Home and Family

    What you will find this year is that you will feel stronger in everything you do with respect to family members and where you live because you are so confident. You believe in yourself. You have faith in your judgment and your ideas. Therefore, your home life and your relations with family members will improve. 

    You will find it easier to be generous to loved ones. This is because Jupiter in your sign makes you generous but also Jupiter in your sign makes you idealistic. It increases your respect for the values of compassion and kindness.


    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

    Element: Earth

    Symbol: The Mountain Goat

    Ruling Planet: Saturn

    Mantra for 2019: “A vision is arising within me this year. Angels are whispering in my ear.”

    Money and Career 

    Three strong influences occur this year: The first is that Pluto will trigger obsessive behaviour, compulsions, and at times, irrational decisions. Essentially, it wants to make you overdo, whether you are aware of this consciously or not. The second influence is your ruler Saturn is in your sign making you start to re-invent yourself in the next six years. (Starting last year.) Both planets in your sign at the same time are an unusual and powerful influence to reshape who you are.

    The third influence arrives in December, when lucky Jupiter enters your sign to stay for a year to not only increase your good fortune but also make your life flow more easily. (Jupiter will make you richer in 2021). Regardless of your age, these are the years that will shape you and give your future meaning. 


    Relationships are on hold this year because the most important relationship you are having is with yourself. This doesn’t mean you are self-absorbed or egocentric. Instead it means this is when you need to have the courage to look inward while everyone around you continues to look outward. Because you are in this serious frame of mind, you will be attracted to serious committed relationships or someone of an age difference.

    Home and Family

    You are a traditionalist about family values. This year it’s wise to focus on your long range benefit: When Jupiter enters your sign in December, it will boost your joy in your everyday surroundings and make your life easier! It will attract the resources that you need in your life to feel secure.

    You might entertain a residential move in four to five years because your aim will be to solidify your home base six years from now. It is good to know this because you are a planner. You don’t leave things to chance.



    Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Nicols also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:


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