Our wedding took place at Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar in New Westminster. My favourite moment was the Anand Karaj ceremony itself. As I folded my hands in prayer and sat in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib, I was grateful to have shared in the warmth and love of Waheguruji's eternal embrace with all those present.
Simar Dugal’s label, under the leadership of her son — Arjan Dugal, still dominates the ethnic fashion realm with its surreal designs and collections that seamlessly blend India’s rich cultural heritage with a modern aesthetic.
From smile-inducing Mary Janes to the good ol’ elegant mules, from the dramatic sky-high platforms to the comfort and ease of fisherman sandals — whether you love comfort or simply adore high-end fashion, there are plenty of ultra-cool shoe styles for you to explore and put your best foot forward this season.
“I think what we’re seeing a lot of trends for 2022, and this goes for weddings, any trends in general, I think with masks lifting… we’re seeing a massive resurgence in blush in particular,” says Ashley Manias, National Education Director for Benefit Cosmetics.
Certain research suggests that about 40% of the usual volume of physical activity for children and youth occurs during school hours! That's right, almost half of the movement kids do is at school, so now just guess what happens when they stop attending for eight weeks.
Whether you are looking for Airbnbs, modest homestays, or palatial luxury stays, we have got you covered. In this story, we will look at some of the top luxury hotels that offer magical moments on special occasions. After all, you are visiting hotels in a country that takes athithi devo bhava very seriously.