Happy Birthday Libra! Let’s hope the occasion is done with class in beautiful surroundings because you are sensitive to ambiance, colours, lighting and sound.
Money can often be a taboo subject to discuss, but it’s important for parents to take charge and teach their children about personal finance and money management. When it comes to teaching your child about money, where do you start? According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), it is best “to start teaching children about money when they’re young. If you start early, you can build on their knowledge as they grow.”
While the idea of a bookshelf is to – yes, you guessed it – house your books, they are becoming more than just somewhere you leave your novels to collect dust. Bookshelves are a finishing touch to an already furnished room but can bring a space from drab and disheveled to deliberate and well-designed.
We met in high school at David Thompson Secondary. Vick liked me for about two years before I finally decided to give him a chance (he was very persistent). We started dating in 2003 in grade 10. This September will be 14 years for us.