Constant hand-washing and alcohol from sanitizers have stripped our hands of moisture, and condensation on the skin under masks is irritating and makes it a breeding ground for the unhelpful kind of bacteria.
Today we live in a fast-paced world where our lifestyle has become so hectic that we often neglect the most important thing – the nutrition that our body needs to lead a healthy life.
Whereas until now, you have thrived as an individual – this year, you will begin to integrate yourself with some kind of group expression. It’s time to learn to cooperate in a team.
Girls whose parent had "excellent" flexibility had higher flexibility than girls whose parent had "poor" flexibility.
With Democrats gaining two seats in the Senate from the Georgia runoffs, there is now a greater possibility of moving from “relief” to “stimulus” mode in late 2021.
Aritzia's adjusted net income was $32.2 million or 29 cents per share for the period ended Nov. 29, versus $35.7 million or 32 cents per diluted share last year.