Keen to avoid losing another summer of holiday revenue to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union, some Asian governments and the airline industry are scrambling to develop so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports to help kickstart international travel.
Jagjeevan Singh of Brampton, Ont., who is one of Bajaj's patients, developed Type 2 diabetes two years ago at age 32. Singh said he believes the stress of his job at a large warehouse contributed to the chronic disease. But he improved his condition by switching jobs, changing his diet, losing the weight he'd gained from not eating properly while doing shift work, and started practising yoga and meditation.
Plogging a trend that combines jogging or walking and picking up litter. It is an excellent way for residents to get outside and increase their physical activity, while also giving back to the community.
Summer day camps provide structure to their days during summer. While two months off over the summer would be a dream for most adults, for kids the days can stretch on endlessly. Having somewhere to go and fun activities to look forward to helps children navigate the long stretch of time off from school and alleviates boredom.
British visitors will be admitted on nonessential travel from May 17. British travelers will need to show on arrival a negative PCR test for COVID-19 taken in the previous 72 hours.