Every year, Sikhs all over the world celebrate Vaisakhi as the creation of the Khalsa. In April 1699, the 10th Guru, Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee asked the sangat for 5 people to sacrifice themselves for the creation of this panth.
5 individuals stepped forward to prove their devotion, as they were formed to be the Panj Pyaarey. The Khalsa was a way to bring Sikhs together and become defenders of freedom in the quest to fight oppression. This was the reason Gurusahib gave the Khalsa a special and distinct form, where Sikhs can uphold values of honesty, love and humility. By equipping Sikhs with a Kirpaan (dagger) and Turban, Sikhs represent and wear this uniform proudly, reflecting their sovereign nature.
On April 14, 2019, SAF International will be holding a free, family event- “SAF Vaisakhi Fest” from 12-5pm at the Central City Plaza (SFU entrance). This event will showcase Vaisakhi through various activities that include: turban tying, martial arts (Gatka) performances, live music performances, children’s activities, photo booth and an information booth that will provide the public with information about Vaisakhi and Sikhism. This event allows SAF to celebrate the religious festival of Vaisakhi with the public, while sharing knowledge and awareness to those that may not know who Sikhs are or what Vaisakhi is.
SAF International is a non-profit organization that provides poverty relief through different projects across India. We provide underprivileged individuals with basic needs, education, health care, skills training, employment/income generation opportunities, and poverty relief through food or financial aid. As a registered Canadian charity abiding by Sikh principles of selfless service to humanity, through poverty alleviation, children’s education, community development initiatives and the preservation of Sikhism, your generosity allows SAF International to work towards making a difference in the lives of many, regardless of race, religion, caste or gender.
For more information about SAF Vaisakhi Fest, visit: https://safinternational.org/vaisakhi-fest2019/
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