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Friday, September 20, 2024
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MOA Unveils Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

MOA Unveils Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

University of British Columbia 6393 NW Marine Drive | 17/05/2018 - 08/10/2018

Art serves as a tool of expression for marginalized communities to voice outrage against human rights violations and challenge ruling powers 

MOA Unveils Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

17/05/2018 - 08/10/2018

MOA presents in Premiere Collaborative Exhibition, Culture at the Centre

MOA presents in Premiere Collaborative Exhibition, Culture at the Centre

University of British Columbia 6393 NW Marine Drive | 18/03/2018 - 08/10/2018

First Nations cultural centres & museums across BC join forces to share and explore their innovative work & diverse cultures in one space

MOA presents in Premiere Collaborative Exhibition, Culture at the Centre

18/03/2018 - 08/10/2018