The Wise Hall, 1882 Adanac Street | 31/08/2019 - 31/08/2019
Joining Nimkish for a night of Indigenous/Queer music are JB The First Lady, Mamarudegyal, Biawanna, and DJ Paisley Eva.
University of British Columbia 6265 Crescent Road | 28/09/2019 - 28/09/2019
Treasured American singer-songwriter makes her return to Vancouver in support of most personal album to date
St. James Hall 3214 West 10th Avenue | 06/09/2019 - 06/09/2019
The organic bent to Babe Gurr’s music contributes to the success of her songwriting.
5251 Oak St | 11/08/2019 - 11/08/2019
Tickets are now on sale
11944 Haney Place | 21/09/2019 - 21/09/2019
Full of energy, rich sound, poignant songs, fiery instrumentals and percussive step-dancing, an evening with Leahy is unmatched and unforgettable.
6250 144 St | 15/09/2019 - 15/09/2019
KVP Entertainers is extremely proud of presenting Gulzar Sahab to his only Canadian city stop in Vancouver on September 15, 2019