To sum up, after seeing this catastrophic condition of a cine idea which is already there on the rack of cult classics. Don't know why but I am feeling duty-bound....
"Fury" is technically brilliant, packed with military action and drama, but as a narrative, it is thematically stunted, riddled with cliches and oft-seen scenes....
At the end of it, Flincher, with his flawless direction and meticulous control of the narrative detail leaves no stone unturned to make "Gone Girl" an...
In totality, Hoffman and his team capture the flamboyance of the 1990s along with the lilting background score in style, making it an ideal film for a romantic date....
The film claims to have not hurt any animals. But what about the poor audience? There ought to be a parallel SPCA -- Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Audience....