Actor Varun Sharma, who is fondly remembered as his character Choocha in the "Fukrey" series, always dreamt of getting into the glittery world of showbiz. He says he feels like a "dhurandar" after becoming one.
"Coming from an absolutely non-filmy background to making a name in the industry, it feels great. It is amazing. The journey has been absolutely wonderful. I had this dream of becoming an actor since I was seven," Varun told IANS.
Varun made his debut in 2013 with "Fukrey". He was later seen in films such as "Dolly Ki Doli", "Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon", "Dilwale", "Raabta" and "Fukrey Returns".
"I am glad that I could pursue my dream. I am thankful to my family for supporting me. It feels great, I kind of feel like a 'dhurandar' boy. From dancing on my bed to ‘Yeh kaali kaali ankhien' as a kid to actually working in films, it really feels magical," added the 29-year-old actor.
"I feel blessed I am getting to live my dream," he said.
Varun has "Khandaani Shafakha", "Arjun Patiala", and "Chhichhore" lined up for release this year.