Singer Neha Kakkar, who recently alleged she had been mistreated at a wedding gig, has now posted a video on Facebook explaining to her fans what actually made her cry on the stage while performing.
Neha has requested her fans to not blame the family, saying they were cooperative with her. She claims that it was the event organizers who allegedly forced her to perform despite being unwell.
The Manali Trance singer said in her Facebook video, "Many people are saying wrong to the family, but the couple and their family was very sweet. I had issues with the event company. I wasn't able to bear the pain after performing for an hour and then how the event company behaved, I had issues with that." Neha Kakkar also refused to mention the name of the company. "I would not like to mention the name of the company," she said.
Here's the video shared by Neha Kakkar on Facebook:
Despite not feeling well, Neha performed for an hour at the wedding. Later, when the singer was not able to perform anymore, the event organizers at the wedding allegedly forced her to carry on and that is when she broke down.
Neha explained the whole situation to her fans in the recently uploaded video. "I performed for an hour and I wanted to go back to my hotel because I was in pain, but how the event company behaved has hurt me. After being forced, I got back on the stage, but couldn't help myself and I broke down. I am too emotional and I wasn't able to hold back," she said. Meanwhile, Neha Kakkar also posted a video of her performance on Instagram: