Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan on Monday introduced new singing talent Meghna Mishra, who has lent her voice for the upcoming film "Secret Superstar", featuring young actress Zaira Wasim.
Aamir says the upcoming film wouldn't have been possible without Meghna's "unique soulful voice".
The song "Main Kaun Hoon" from the movie is receiving a positive response.
While introducing the talent behind it, Aamir told the media here: "Since the film is the story of a 14-year-old girl who is a singer and song-writer, getting the right voice for the character was very important. Meghna is a very talented girl... There is a soul in her voice and we looked for that.
"I think we are lucky to have her on board. She has a long way to go."
The event started with a live performance by Meghna and the composer of the song Amit Trivedi. Lyricist Kausar Munir was also present along with Aamir.
Trivedi said the team went through 28 voices before zeroing in on Meghna.
Directed by Advait Chandan, "Secret Superstar" is releasing on October 19.