In his recent interview with Neha Dhupia in her audio chat show, Varun just said that he does not want to talk about Alia Bhatt! Neha asked him to give him one advice to his friend and co-star Alia Bhatt.
On it, Varun said, “”I don’t have any advice for her [Alia]. I don’t want to talk about her. That is what she deserves.” He further added, “I think she has all pretty figured out at the moment. Can’t tell her much. I don’t want to talk about her! I don’t want her to steal my thunder.”
Well, we wonder what made Varun Dhawan say this about his so close friend Alia Bhatt. Let’s hope that all this was just in jest and nothing serious. Both will apparently be seen in a film called ‘Shiddat’ next. Is everything all right?