Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan starer Thugs of Hindostan, released on Diwali weekend and was expected to open big at the Box Office. While the star-studded film was expected to mint Rs 50 crores on the opening day, it appears the desi pirates’ ship is sinking.
The mega-budget film under the Yash Raj banner opened on Thursday and it not only left the critics unimpressed but also Bollywood fans. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the film also stars Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh in prominent roles. However, it has become a butt of all jokes on social media.
In fact, tweeple are posting the most brutal and savage tweets to share their reactions to the film.
Using the hashtag #ThugsOfHindostan, which has been trending on the micro-blogging site, people are posting jokes and memes to share their reactions to the film. While there are those who have enjoyed the film as well, many are sharing scathing reviews to the film. Take a look at some of the most brutal yet funny tweets below:
Audience after watching #ThugsOfHindostan for 20 minutes
— Burning Dezire. (@iam_za1d) November 8, 2018
People asking for Refund from the theatre owners after the initial reviews : #ThugsOfHindostan
— Abhishek kumar (@mpbsvs) November 8, 2018
Audience reaction while watching #ThugsOfHindostan in theatres😁 #ThugsOfHindustan
— Deep Valesha (@Deepvalesha1) November 8, 2018
When you book tickets of #ThugsOfHindostan for evening Show ! 😐
— Name cannot be blank (@LadkaSarcastic) November 8, 2018
People coming out of movie theater after watching #ThugsOfHindostan
— PhD in Bakchodi (@Atheist_Krishna) November 8, 2018
How's #ThugsOfHindostan , rating?
— Dr. Gill (@ikpsgill1) November 8, 2018
Me :
* Audience in theatres after watching first 15 mins of #ThugsofHindostan *
— R A T N I $ H (@LoyalSachinFan) November 8, 2018
* Audience in theatres after watching first 15 mins of #ThugsofHindostan *
— R A T N I $ H (@LoyalSachinFan) November 8, 2018
When you have booked the tickets for #THUGSOFHINDOSTAN in advance and now you're reading the reviews on Twitter
— Bollywood Gandu (@BollywoodGandu) November 8, 2018
When you have booked the tickets for #THUGSOFHINDOSTAN in advance and now you're reading the reviews on Twitter
— Bollywood Gandu (@BollywoodGandu) November 8, 2018
Yashraj casting Aamir and Amitabh in a movie and yet making crap. #ThugsOfHindostan
— SAGAR (@sagarcasm) November 8, 2018
#ThugsOfHindostan Review 😂
— #ZERO Fan (@NextToSRK) November 8, 2018
Exactly my thoughts after watching #ThugsOfHindostan
— Pratibha (@ipratibhaa) November 8, 2018
That public reaction when you come out from theatre after watching #ThugsOfHindostan 😂😂
— Deep Valesha (@Deepvalesha1) November 8, 2018