Actress Sushmita Sen, the first Indian to clinch the prestigious Miss Universe crown in 1994, on Saturday celebrated her win by calling it a moment of “honour” for her.
Sushmita took to Twitter to share photographs of her winning moment.
#21stMay1994 #India won Miss Universe for d First time 🇮🇳❤️👏I thankGod 2 have given me d honour 2 bring it home!🙏🇮🇳
— sushmita sen (@thesushmitasen) May 20, 2016
In a series of tweets, she wrote: “I am truly at a loss for words! (and that's rare) Thank you beautiful people! 22 years of India first Miss Universe. May 21.
Here's @thesushmitasen, making us proud since forever!
— Kriti Tulsiani (@sleepingpsyche2) May 21, 2016
“May 21, 1994 - India won Miss Universe for the first time. I thank god to have given me the honour to bring it home,” she wrote.
Sushmita later also thanked Colombian beauty Carolina Gomez, who was the first runner-up at the beauty pageant in 1994.
You will need to take a breath after seeing this pic of @thesushmitasen😆! Instagram post of Miss Universe 1994 👑😘💕
— Sen'sationals (@SushmitaTeam) May 21, 2016
“Thank you Carolina Gomez, Miss Colombia 1993 for teaching me what 'grace' is! What a woman! I love you Carolina,” she wrote.