'Call girl' is the least offensive of the insults directed at Ms Krishnamoorthi, 41, that we could find. Suchitra Krishnamoorthi tweeted to and received a prompt response from the Mumbai Police's handle, after which she filed a complaint at her local station in Mumbai, posting a picture of herself in front of it. "Thank you Mumbai Police, you are the best," she wrote.
Thank you @MumbaiPolice You are the best 🙏👍🙏 pic.twitter.com/IsaeSgPPUv
— Suchitra (@suchitrak) July 26, 2017
Suchitra Krishnamoorthi has endured days of trolling after posting this tweet:
came home at 4.45 am 2 most aggressive/ ear shattering call of azaan. Nothing more lowlife & dumb than such extreme imposed religiousity
— Suchitra (@suchitrak) July 23, 2017
Extreme religiousity dumbs and dwarfs the mind & restricts free thought. Applicable to all religions
— Suchitra (@suchitrak) July 24, 2017
Loudspeakers are not allowed between 10 pm to 6 am. Yet this law is repeatedly broken for azaan . Poilce & everyone else turns a blind eye. https://t.co/szr08QWP60
— Suchitra (@suchitrak) July 24, 2017
In other tweets, she acknowledged that the language used might have been too 'strong' and that she has also called out the beef ban and gau rakshaks in previous posts.
Ms Krishnamoorthi is the second celebrity to complain on Twitter about the azaan in the space of a few months, after singer Sonu Nigam, who later deleted his Twitter account. Mr Nigam was also trolled massively but, as one Twitter user pointed out, he was slut-shamed as Ms Krishnamoorthi has been.
Suchitra Krishnamoorthi posted a collage of the abusive tweets she received:
Look at these perverts! Feel sorry for my India -with this kind of attitude towards women its no wonder we've become rape capital of d world pic.twitter.com/Hteg0IXRM8
— Suchitra (@suchitrak) July 25, 2017
She has also received several messages of support. Those speaking up for her include director Shekhar Kapur, who is Ms Krishnamoorthi's former husband:
Trolling arguments is acceptable. But if @Twitter want to survive in India they have to stop such rampant disgusting sexual abuse @suchitrak https://t.co/pNEA0zq5SK
— Shekhar Kapur (@shekharkapur) July 26, 2017