After celebrating rakhi with her brother Siddharth, Priyanka Chopra Sunday left for Chandrapur, over 900 km from here, for social work.
She posted a photograph with her younger brother on Raksha Bandhan and captioned it: “Early morning Rakhi with sid! Blessed to have my brothers @irfan525 @BBEAR @shivangchopra99 n the ones not on twitter!”
The former Miss World is the Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF and after tying rakhi, she resumed work for the UN programme.
“On my way to Chandrapur to visit the girls of @UNICEFIndia s deepshikha program. Love the on field work we do. Cant wait #BuildingYoungFutures,” she tweeted.
UNICEF Deepshikha programme aims at empowering the young girls of India.