Shraddha Shashidhar, who hails from Bengaluru, was crowned Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva - Miss Universe India 2017 by actor Shahid Kapoor here. She will compete at the prestigious Miss Universe pageant on November 26 in the US.
Shahid crowned Shraddha the winner of Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva - Miss Universe India 2017 on Wednesday, read a statement.
Peden Ongmu Namgyal (Sikkim) was crowned Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva - Supranational 2017, and Apeksha Porwal (Mumbai) as Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva 2017.
The judges' panel included the likes of former Miss Universe and actress Lara Dutta, actor Rajkummar Rao, filmmaker Kabir Khan, boxing champion Vijender Singh and Miss Universe 2016 Iris Mittenaere.
"It has been a wonderful journey. All the girls are winners in their own right, however there can be only one winner. It was difficult for the panelists to choose that one winner from 15 divas who were all very talented and promising," said Lara.