Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, who is currently seen as a judge on dance reality show “Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Reloaded”, got a chance to walk down memory lane to talk about the 1999 film “Taal”, in which he was seen as a background dancer.
Shahid was said to be “nervous” before meeting the film's actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
In “Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Reloaded”, Shahid is often seen speaking his mind and sharing secrets with the audience. While talking about his childhood, host Manish Paul decided to reveal a photograph of Shahid from his younger days, where he could be seen dancing with ace choreographer Shiamak Davar.
While discussing about the "Haider" actor's experiences as a backup dancer, Manish introduced an image of Shahid dancing behind Aishwarya in the song “Kahin aag lage lag jaaye” from "Taal". The image showed Shahid beside Aishwarya holding her dupatta in his hand.
"Shahid shared about the time when as a young boy he was a dancer for the film 'Taal'. He was nervous for the film since it meant dancing alongside Aishwarya,” a source said.
“When Manish showed the next image of Shahid Kapoor in costume, Shahid began to talk about childhood memories as he went down memory lane and even asked contestant Mohit Malik's choreographer Marischa who also was part of the same dance company to explain the costume for all. Marischa said that they always had to wear costumes like these while attending dance classes,” the source added.
The Colors show also features Malaika Arora Khan, Ganesh Hegde and Lauren Gottlieb as judges.