Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who will next be seen in Imtiaz Alis "Jab Harry Met Sejal", says the filmmaker is a big foodie and used to take him to "weird" places for food during the shooting of the film.
Shah Rukh, who will be seen sharing screen space with actress Anushka Sharma in "Jab Harry Met Sejal", appeared on TV show "Yaar Mere Superstar Season 2" to promote the film.
Asked whether the news about Imtiaz being foodie is true, Shah Rukh said: "That is also one of the things common between (late) Yash Chopra and Imtiaz. Talks about the film is less compared to food."
He added: "After we used to finish our shoot in the evening, at first he (Imitiaz) used to be a bit pulled back, but then in the evening he would ask if I wanted to join him as he found a really good restaurant."
But it was not that easy for Shah Rukh as Imtiaz would make him "walk like anything, in between small roads".
"He (Imtiaz) takes you to this small place and says, ‘Sir, this is it'. And, I didn't know how he has found it -- really nice food, really different kind. I had never had this kind of food, but out of love for him I would eat it," Shah Rukh said.
He said out of courtesy he even had sea food which he didn't want to taste.
"One or two times, he has made me have some weird seafood dish, which I later realised what it was, and was really scared. Why did I eat it? Don't know, something like a snail or something. I don't want to, I didn't know and I ate it," Shah Rukh said.
"I am a little shy and embarrassed so, I don't tell people if I don't like it. But usually the food was good only. So, I didn't feel bad, but he took me to a weird place and to eat something like that. Imtiaz knew everyone by name -- Maria, Alphonso, Roberto, he knows everybody by name at nightclubs, pubs and restaurants."
"According to me, he is quite a tour-guide, he should be a tour-guide himself," Shah Rukh added.
"Jab Harry Met Sejal" is slated to release on August 4.
The episode of "Yaar Mere Superstar Season 2", featuring Shah Rukh, will be aired on Saturday on Zoom channel.