Sanjay Dutt is currently shooting in Jaipur for his upcoming historical war drama Panipat. The actor will be essaying the role of Ahmad Shah Durrani, the founder of Durrani empire.
We hear that Dutt is not only hitting the gym for a desired physique to play King Ahmad Shah Durrani but also making sure he perfects the art of carrying the heavy armour.
A source says, “Sanjay Dutt is wearing one of the heaviest armours till date. The protective shield that Dutt is wearing weighs around 25 kg. While shooting in Jaipur, the actor in between shots or right before wearing the heavy armour, would hit the gym. The actor also wore a traditional headgear of a king.
Last year when the actor went for a hair, make-up and costume trials, the armour was specially designed according to Dutt’s personality.”