Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's little munchkin Taimur is apple of everyone's eye. He is breaking the Internet with every new picture on the social media and paparazzi chases him whenever he steps out of the house.
And although Saifeena has never tried hiding their adorable little kid from the media, they are worried about him getting so much of attention at such an early stage in his life. He is not even a year old and already has fan clubs and is already been vouched for films and cameos. That's exactly why his parents, Saif and Kareena are getting anxious and have decided to send him to a boarding school in England.
In an interview to Film Companion, Saif said, ”He has innocence in his eyes, there is nothing pretentious, but yes I am worried about him. I and Kareena have already discussed the stardom he already has around him and we have decided to send him to a nice boarding school in England. It will hopefully do the trick. It has done for everybody in the family.”
Born in a royal family, Saif is ready to prepare his son for being a public figure. He said,”Taimur will have to be aware that he is being watched all the time. He will have a lot of privileges as well. I think life has a wonderful way to balance it out, so if he has all the wonderful privileges he will also have certain responsibilities.”