Making an unconventional debut with Vishal Bhardwaj’s Pataakha, Radhika Madan not just proved her mettle as an actor but also her choice of picking up interesting roles and genres.
Equipped with confidence, a passion to make it big and above all talent, Radhika stole the show in her recently released film, MardKo Dard NahiHota.
Shares a source, “Radhika is supremely confident as an actor and has an arresting screen presence. With her bindass portrayal of Surpi in MardKo Dard Nahi Hota, she has proved that she can easily give any guy, forget a girl, a run for his money when it comes to action.
She has certainly broken the stereotypical mold of damsel in distress for Bollywood actress and paved a new path for them.”