Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who has garnered international popularity with American TV show "Quantico", has scored 10 million followers on Instagram.
Priyanka, who is currently shooting for the second season of "Quantico", shared her excitement on Instagram and Twitter. She shared a mini clip of herself in which she is seen sporting sunglasses with digits 1 and 0 on each of its lens.
"Thankful for our 10 million family on Instagram... Lots of love and gratitude! 10 Mn for Priyanka on Insta," she captioned the mini-clip.
On the work front, the 34-year-old will be seen in the Hollywood film "Baywatch" starring Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron.
She will also be seen as a guest judge on supermodel Heidi Klum's "Project Runway".