Acclaimed actress Tisca Chopra Thursday mourned the death of her grand-uncle, celebrated writer-journalist Khushwant Singh. Her memories of him are about "candour humour and single malts".
An accomplished actress and a doting mother, Kajol, who backs a social mission - Lifebuoy 'Help A Child Reach 5', believes that the voice of stars like her reaches out to more people and spreads greater awareness.
Bollywood's disco king Mithun Chakraborty tried his hand at rapping for the first time for reality show "Dance India Dance Lil Masters Season 3" (DID). He says it was a new and enthralling experience for him.
Actor Varun Dhawan took his fun-loving on-screen chemistry with Nargis Fakhri a notch higher at a recent event, where he performed an impromptu lap dance for his "Main Tera Hero" co-star.
Three film-old Pulkit Samrat, whose next release is "O Teri", takes Salman Khan's advice before accepting a movie offer and praises the superstar for not imposing his opinion or decision on anyone.