Her comments about nepotism sparked a fire and the recent revelations about the Hindi Film Industry created a storm! Yes we are talking about Kangana Ranaut, who is back with yet another disclosure- this time about the pay disparity actresses face in Bollywood.
According to a tabloid, the actress said-
“There are women in the industry who say that if actresses are unable to bring in crowds (in a theatre) that a male star can, how can they demand equal pay. If we, as actresses, keep instilling this inferiority complex in girls, there is no hope for better times.
Personally, my logic for remuneration has always been that I have 365 days to work, as much as any male star. An actor’s pay must be determined by the amount of work s/he does. Your gender is no yardstick for it. The industry isn’t just made up of four actors who have lasted through the decades.

I might not have 30 years behind me. But in my 10 years, I’ve achieved significant milestones to demand a certain fee. Anybody’s film can fail and this year has shown us enough proof of that. So, let’s stop giving the opening (weekend) and closing logic.”
While some people are trolling her for being 'publicity hungry', Kangana remains fearless and unaffected. She says-
“Why are we so wary of discussions and debate? I am told it’s bad PR, but I don’t quite understand that term.