Jab Harry Met Sejal Butterfly song teaser: Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma's camaraderie is something to look out for. The song is a peppy Punjabi number with a backdrop of Baisakhi. It has been choreographed by Bosco Martis. The entire song will be out soon
The teaser shows SRK pull off a ‘Sardar’ look with way too much oomph and style. We can’t stop ourselves drooling over this desi munda, Harinder and soni Kudi, Sejal.
One particular shot from the teaser which has SRK blushing to Anushka’s flirtatious whistle is just too cute to handle! Like all the other trails, the chemistry between SRK and Anushka is on point. But, what we don’t seem to understand is how and why do the two land up in India.
The five mini trails ended with Anushka telling SRK in her ‘too hard to miss’ Gujarati dialect that the engagement ring, which was slipped into her finger by her fiancée during the trip has gone missing.
This, we believe is the basic plot of the movie. And while they are seen running helter skelter through the beautiful foreign locales to search for the ring, it’s rather surprising for us to see them all of a sudden in India.
Has their search for the ring brought them to the country? Or is it something else? Well, that we’ll get to know only once we watch the movie. Until then watch this Butterfly song teaser.