Kareena Kapoor Khan has begun preps for Veere Di Wedding, which stars Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania with her. We all know that she has been working out regularly to shed the pregnancy weight so that she can be back on the sets as soon as possible.
And today was her look test of sorts as the actress met Sonam’s sister, Rhea Kapoor (one of the producers of the film) at a salon. Swara was there too, as Rhea took to her Instagram account and posted pictures of Kareena and Swara with the caption, “Let’s prep this thing. #veerediwedding #setthelewk (sic).”
Check out the screenshots of Rhea’s Instagram story right here:
While Kareena has long tresses with a shade of brown, Swara has shoulder length hair. Sonam of course couldn’t be there as she is holidaying in the US.
Kareena recently opened up about Veere Di Wedding as in an interview she revealed that the film will go on floors in September. And how her girl gang is “gung-ho”.
We already know that it’s going to be a chic flick. Kareena also said that Rhea will style her, which is why she was there at the salon today looking closely at all the details of the look.
“It will be stylish. And with Sonam – the fashionista in the movie, I surely cannot wear my jeans and t-shirt. Or you never know, I may convince her to come out of her ball gowns and wear jeans and t-shirt,” added Kareena. Oh, we don’t see that happening. With Sonam in the film, and Rhea producing it, this one is definitely going to be high on fashion.