Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's representative said the BMC on Thursday demolished energy saving solar panels in an area outside his office premises in Malad (West) here.
A statement issued on behalf of Shah Rukh's home banner Red Chillies Entertainment Pvt Ltd said they will take the matter up with the authorities concerned.
"Red chillies Vfx is a tenant and not the owner of the property mentioned. The building has an open area outside with seating which employees use for eating food that they get from home. It is not an operational canteen.
"The part which the BMC has demolished are the energy saving solar panels which provide clean energy to the entire Vfx building. Red Chillies Vfx is taking this up with the concerned authorities at the BMC," the statement read.
Officials at the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) could not be immediately reached for a comment.