Actress Madhuri Dixit, who is currently co-judging the reality dance show "So You Think You Can Dance - Ab India Ki Baari", was paid a surprise visit by a fan from Thailand.
"I am the biggest fan of Madhuri Dixit and have watched all her movies. I was in Mumbai for a week and when I got to know about her shooting here in Goregaon, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to meet her in person. I love all her dance performances especially ‘Ek do teen’,” the fan said in a statement.
The Thai fan received a warm hug and had her photograph taken with Madhuri.
“So You Think You Can Dance - Ab India Ki Baari”, which airs on &TV, is an Indian version of internationally acclaimed American reality format “So You Think You Can Dance”. It features Madhuri and choreographers Terence Lewis and Bosco Martis as judges.