It seems that comedian Bharti Singh, who appears on “Comedy Nights Bachao” has got her new signature entry on the comedy show. Bharti, who earlier used to welcome guests with a kiss on their cheek, has now added jumping into their arms as the next custom.
“The celebrities that have come on the show before already have got used to waiting for me to have a lipstick mark on their cheeks. With me jumping on them leaves them completely surprised and making it a funny moment,” Bharti said in a statement.
“This time I have jumped on Vindu Dara Singh and in the first episode I jumped on Sohail Khan, so you can call it my new form of entry for 'Comedy nights Bachao'. And moreover most of the stars that come on the show are so well built, I think they can bear my weight,” she added.
From Sohail, who appeared in the first episode of the show to Vindu, Bharti Singh has made her entry by running into their arms as a way of excitement.
Vindu will appear on the Colors show along with actress Dolly Bindra and former “Roadies” judges and mentors Raghu Ram and Rajiv Lakshman.