Actor Arjun Kapoor says he will be both "comfortable and nervous" to work with actress Parineeti Chopra in filmmaker Dibakar Banerjee's upcoming directorial venture "Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar".
Asked how does he feel working with Parineeti again after his Bollywood debut in 2012 with "Ishaqzaade", Arjun told IANS over phone from Mumbai: "The excitement for both of us is there. We have been in touch since 'Ishaqzaade'.... But we have not actually worked together for a while. We did an advertisement in between. Even though there will be a comfort, but there will be nervousness of working back with the person you know."
Arjun, 32, says he is really excited to see the evolution of Parineeti.
Talking about the project, Arjun said: "The material that we have is so challenging and demanding that it is going to be a very different experience for both of us as actors because of Dibakar Banerjee Sir. I think it's a challenging script and fascinating. So, coming together and working with Dibakar Banerjee Sir in itself has two of us excited."
"Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar" is the story of a man and woman who represent two completely different Indias.