Veteran actor Anupam Kher, who visited Shimla to perform his play "Mera Woh Matlab Nahi Tha", says he was honoured to meet Himachal Pradesh Governor Acharya Dev Vrat.
The 61-year-old actor, who was invited for breakfast, also shared a photograph of himself with Vrat.
"Thank you Honourable Governor of Himachal Acharya Dev Vratji for inviting us to Raj Bhavan for breakfast. Feel honoured," Anupam tweeted on Wednesday.
The actor also met the Uttar Pradesh Governor, and tweeted: "Pleasure to meet honourable Ram Naikji, Governor of Uttar Pradesh. It was lovely to meet his family too."
Anupam loved the experience of performing the play in Shimla.
"Thank you Shimla Walo for your love, warmth and hospitality during the staging of our play #MeraWohMatlabNahiTha," he added.
He had earlier shared that he was staging the play in Shimla "in memory of my father Pushkar Nath Ji's happy times spent" there.